A. action B. notice C. medicine D. control 查看更多



  Recently, a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life. He has  36  that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually 37  . One of the exercises he has asked his students to do is keep a  38  of every penny they spend for a week. From the 39  they spend their money, they can see what they really  40 in life.

  The professor says our  41 with others often becomes clearly defined when money enters the picture. You 42  have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some 43 . If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems 44  than ever before.  45 it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.

  Since money is so important to us, we consider those who are 46  to be very important. The professor  47 some rich people in researching his book.

  Question: What is the most  48  thing you have discovered about being rich?

  Answer: The most surprising thing is why people give me so much  49 . I am nothing. I don’t know much. All I am is rich.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it  50 ? How much money do I need for any given 51  in my life? In his book, the professor uncovered an important  52  in modern society: to bring back the idea that the money is an instrument  53  than the end. Money plays an important  54  in the material world, but   55 money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

  36. A. pointed       B. studied      C. discovered      D. noticed

  37. A .imagine       B. think       C. recognize        D. plan

  38. A. secret       B. diary       C. promise       D. record

  39. A. way           B. method      C. opinion        D. attitude

  40. A. mean        B. value      C. get         D. make

  41. A. work        B. friendship   C. relation        D. union

  42. A. should       B. must       C. had to        D. might

  43. A. cars           B. books      C. rooms       D. money

  44. A. stronger          B. weaker     C. worse        D. looser

  45. A. But         B. Otherwise    C. And          D. Then

  46. A. rich        B. poor       C. helpful      D. ordinary

  47. A. saw        B. interviewed    C. questioned          D. knew

  48. A. puzzling       B. disappointing  C. surprising       D. interesting

  49. A. worry       B. doubt         C. hate         D. respect

  50. A. about        B. against    C. for          D. at

  51. A. achievement   B. result      C. purpose            D. success

  52. A. need        B. discovery   C. lack            D. event

  53. A. better       B. rather     C. more          D. less

  54. A. action       B. performance  C. role           D. trick

  55. A. demanding     B. hoping    C. getting        D. expecting


Nine?year?old Barack Obama was looking through a magazine.__1__the African?American boy was __2__by a series of photos.The __3__ were of a black man who destroyed his skin with chemicals that promised to make him __4__.

For the first time,the boy began to __5__ who he was.

However,now the boy who used to struggle with his __6__ doesn't see it as a problem any more,but a(n) __7__ for his successful career.It is a good example that Obama made history by being elected as the first black president of the United States.

Obama's white mother was born in the heartland of __8__.His black father grew up in a tiny village in Kenya.They met during college in Hawaii,but his father left the __9__ when Obama was just two years old and his mother moved to Indonesia.

At 10,Obama __10__ to live with his white grandparents in Hawaii.At his class,a white boy asked Obama if his father ate people.Out of __11__,Obama __12__ to his classmates that his father was a prince.

Things came to change __13__ the young man made friends with those with a similar background at college.Their __14__ back in Africa helped Obama to finally face up to his  __15__ origin.He worked hard to become a star at Harvard Law School and the third black senator in US history.

At the beginning of his __16__ for the White House,__17__ people viewed Obama favorably.Many doubted his unusual __18__,which left him neither “black”enough nor “white” enough.

But Obama turned his pain of growing up into a tool to make __19__ believe:There is not a black America and a white America and a Latino America and an Asian America.There's the United States of America.

Barack Obarea's __20__ fulfilled Martin Luther King's dream that a man be judged not by the colour of his skin,but by the content of his character.

1.A.So          B.But

C.Indeed         D.While

2.A.frightened     B.pleased

C.shocked        D.feared

3.A.newspapers      B.stories

C.reasons        D.pictures

4.A.white      B.strong

C.healthy        D.popular

5.A.doubt      B.realize

C.hate          D.hide

6.A.nationality     B.family

C.memory       D.identity

7.A.practice       B.chance

C.advantage     D.permission

8.A.Asia       B.Africa

C.the US        D.Indonesia

9.A.family       B.university 

C.America      D.village

10.A.decided      B.returned

C.left        D.considered

11.A.embarrassment    B.politeness 

C.anger         D.curiosity

12.A.told        B.refused

C.lied       D.pretended

13.A.until       B.before

C.after         D.from

14.A.arrivals      B.experiences 

C.travels        D.adventures

15.A.American      B.Indonesian 

C.Hawaii        D.African

16.A.attempt       B.campaign  

C.movement      D.approach

17.A.many      B.some

C.few        D.no

18.A.background     B.ability

C.result        D.opportunity

19.A.Africans      B.the world 

C.Americans      D.the whites

20.A.action     B.words

C.victory        D.life



Everyone in the neighbourhood knew who Ugly was, the tomcat. He had only one eye and  36 the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same  37 , his left foot appeared to have been badly broken  38 , and his tail has long been lost. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same  39 . “That's one UGLY cat!!”

All the children were  40 not to touch him, but whenever he  41 children, he would come running, meowing and bump his head against their hand  42 for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt, eatring,

43 he could find.

One day Ugly  44 his love with the neighbour's dogs. They did not respond  45 , and Ugly was badly bitten. From my apartment I heard his scream and rushed to his  46 . By the time I got to where he was lying, it was  47 that Ugly's sad life was almost at an end. As I  48 him up and tried to carry him home, I could feel him struggling.

Then I  49 a familiar suck on my ear. Even in the greatest pain, that ugly battlescarred cat was asking only for a little  50 . At that moment I thought Ugly was the most beautiful, loving creature I had ever seen. Never once did he try to bite or scratch me, or  51 try to get away from me. Ugly just looked up at me completely trusting me to  52 his pain. Ugly died in my arms  53 I could get inside, but I held him for a long time.

Ugly  54 me a lot about loving and giving. He had been scarred on the outside, but I was scarred on the  55 , and it was time for me to learn to love truly and give my total to those I cared for.

36. A. when      B. where      C. how       D. why

37. A. side      B. place      C. part       D. spot

38. A. in no case   B. by all means   C. at one time   D. on the way

39. A. answer     B. behaviour    C. message     D. reaction

40. A. invited     B. forced      C. warned      D. refused

4l. A. spied      B. caught      C. inspected    D. reviewed

42. A. begging     B. appealing    C. preparing    D. demanding

43. A. whichever    B. whenever     C. whatever     D. wherever

44. A. divided     B. distributed   C. spread      D. shared

45. A. excitedly    B. kindly      C. sensitively   D. coldly

46. A. service     B. assistant    C. aid       D. partner

47. A. apparent    B. doubtful     C. sure       D. uncertain

48. A. brought     B. broke      C. called      D. picked

49. A. touched     B. undertook    C. found      D. felt

50. A. action     B. affection    C. admiration    D. attraction

5l. A. even      B. still      C. So        D. yet

52. A. relax      B. relieve     C. drop       D. cut

53. A. after      B. before      C. as        D. since

54. A. offered     B. owed       C. sent       D. taught

55. A. head      B. body       C. inside      D. point


The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday.

  A. action    B. performance    C. view    D. sight



The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday.

  A. action  B. performance  C. view  D. sight


