A. cried out B. gave in C. broke in D. ran away 查看更多



Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. "Father!" Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.

"Father! What's that sound? Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire. "They're hunting ducks." Ali said in a hoarse voice. "They hunt ducks at night, you know." Don't be afraid.

A siren(汽笛) went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, jolted from sleep and probably still in their pajamas, with ruffled hair and puffy eyes. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close, clutched him with tenderness.

We stayed huddled that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.

Just before sunrise, Baba's car peeled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn't recognize right away because I'd never seen it before: fear. "Amir! Hassan!" He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. "They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn't work. I was so worried!"

We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.

1.Who is the author of the passage?

A. Hassan         B. Ali         C. Baba          D. Amir

2.By saying “they are hunting ducks”, Ali ___________.

A. told the children the truth

B. tried to calm the children

C. played a joke on the children

D. cheered the children up

3.We can infer from the passage that__________.

A. there were thunderstorms that night

B. Afghan children were used to the war

C. that night was the end of people’s peaceful life

D. people on the street shouted and broke the windows

4. From the last sentence of the passage, we know_________.

A. the author was glad to see his father come home safe

B. there was a chance that a world in peace was to come

C. what happened that night seemed nothing to the author

D. Baba’s arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy



Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. "Father!" Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.

"Father! What's that sound? Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire. "They're hunting ducks." Ali said in a hoarse voice. "They hunt ducks at night, you know." Don't be afraid.

A siren(汽笛) went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, jolted from sleep and probably still in their pajamas, with ruffled hair and puffy eyes. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close, clutched him with tenderness.

We stayed huddled that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generation of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire was not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any notion that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.

Just before sunrise, Baba's car peeled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn't recognize right away because I'd never seen it before: fear. "Amir! Hassan!" He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. "They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn't work. I was so worried!"

We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.

56. Who is the author of the passage?

A. Hassan         B. Ali         C. Baba          D. Amir

57. By saying “they are hunting ducks”, Ali ___________.

A. told the children the truth

B. tried to calm the children

C. played a joke on the children

D. cheered the children up

58. We can infer from the passage that__________.

A. there were thunderstorms that night

B. Afghan children were used to the war

C. that night was the end of people’s peaceful life

D. people on the street shouted and broke the windows

59. From the last sentence of the passage, we know_________.

A. the author was glad to see his father come home safe

B. there was a chance that a world in peace was to come

C. what happened that night seemed nothing to the author

D. Baba’s arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy


Something roared like thunder. The earth shook a little and we heard the rat-a-tat-tat of gunfire. ‘‘Father!” Hassan cried. We sprung to our feet and raced out of the living room.

“Father! What’s that sound?” Hassan screamed, his hands outstretched toward Ali. Ali wrapped his arms around us. A white light flashed and lit the sky in silver. It flashed again and was followed by rapid sharp sounds of gunfire.

“They’re hunting ducks, ” Ali said in a hoarse voice. “They hunt ducks at night, you know. Don't be afraid.”

A siren(汽笛)went off in the distance. Somewhere glass broke and someone shouted. I heard people on the street, woken up from sleep. Hassan was crying. Ali pulled him close and held him with tenderness.

We stayed huddled (蜷缩)that way until the early hours of the morning. The shootings and explosions had lasted less than an hour, but they had frightened us badly, because none of us had ever heard gunshots in the streets. They were foreign sounds to us then. The generations of Afghan children whose ears would know nothing but the sounds of the bombs and gunfire were not yet born. Huddled together in the dining room and waiting for the sun to rise, none of us had any idea that a way of life had ended. The end came when Russian tanks were rolling into the very same streets where Hassan and I played, bringing the death of the Afghanistan I knew and marking the start of a still ongoing era of bloodletting.

         Just before the sunrise, Baba’s car pulled into the driveway. His door slammed shut and his running footsteps pounded the stairs. Then he appeared in the doorway and I saw something on his face. Something I didn’t recognize right away because I’d never seen it before: fear. “Amir! Hassan!” He cried as he ran to us, opening his arms wide. “They blocked all the roads and the telephone didn’t work. I was so worried!”

We let him wrap us in his arms and, for a brief moment, I was glad about whatever had happened that night.

1.Who is the author of this passage?

A. Amir.                                 B. Ali.                                     C. Baba.                                 D. Hassan.

2.By saying “They’re hunting ducks”, Ali _______.

A. told the children the truth                                          B. played a joke on the children

C. tried to calm the children                                       D. cheered the children up

3.We can infer from the passage that  _______.

A. there were thunderstorms that night                               

B. Afghan children were used to the war

C. people on the street shouted and broke the windows

D. that night was the end of people's peaceful life    

4.From the last sentence of the passage, we know _______.

A. Baba's arms gave the author temporary comfort and joy

B. there was a chance that a world in peace was to come

C. what happened that night seemed nothing to the author

D. the author was glad to see his father come home safe



It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream.I could ____ speak when the police questioned me.

After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to? ____me. She took my hand and gave me?? ____. It was a picture of a little girl? ____asleep in her bed, standing by the bed was a tall, blond(金发的)__ __.? We prayed and waited by the phone until sunset. The ____ never rang.

Suddenlythe front door swung open. I looked up and ____. There stood Gigi. I cried, throwing my ____ around her. Gigi said“I was scared. We were going really fast on an old ____ road I'd never seen before. But then a tall man walked out ____ the carand they ran off the road and hit a tree. Then the tall man ____ the car door and pulled me out. He was really niceand said I would be okay. I must have gone to ____because when I woke up it is in front of our house. He must have brought me home.” “But who...how did he know..., where to bring you”My voice broke. Gigi ____ her head. Just then Gigi noticed Gloria's picture. “That's him” she ____ at the picture. “Mommythat's the man who pulled me out of the car” Gloria and I turned ____. “Are you sure that's the man” Gloria asked. “Yeah, that's him ____ that he didn't have wingsand he was wearing blue jeans.”

Later that night, the police found the____kidnappers. When questioned, the driver remembered turning away to ____ hitting a tall blond man.

Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from any one claiming to have?? ____Gigi. There have been no logical explanations for her ____. But from that day on, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.

1.A. hardly??????????? B. hard??????????? C. fully???????????? ????????????? D. full

2.A. sympathize??????? B. support????????? C. comfort????????? D. calm

3.A. a map??????????? B. a picture???????? C. a bag???????????? D. a book

4.A. healthy?????????? B. sound??????????? C. reliable????????? D. reasonable

5.A. angel???????????? B. man???????????? C. maid???????????? D. servant

6.A. phone??????????? B. door bell???????? C. clock???????????? D. radio

7.A. yelled???????????? B. screamed??????? C. whistled????????? D. whispered

8.A. cheeks??????????? B. shoulders???????? C. arms???????????? D. hands

9.A. rocky???????????? B. smooth?????????? C. hard???????????? D. flat

10.A. in back of??????? B. at the bottom of??? C. on the top of?????? D. in front of

11.A. shut???????????? B. fastened????????? C. opened??????????? D. loosened

12.A. rest???????????? B. sleep???????????? C. break???????????? D. yawn

13.A. shook?????????? B. nodded?????????? C. rolled???????????? D. trembled

14.A. referred???????? B. aimed??????????? C. pointed??????????? D. signaled

15.A. sun?burnt?????? B. light???????????? C. weak????????????? D. pale

16.A. rather than?????? B. including???????? C. except??????????? D. other than

17.A. injured????????? B. dead???????????? C. harmed?????????? D. hurt

18.A. stop???????????? B. avoid???????????? C. forbid?????????? D. keep

19.A. released????????? B. relieved????????? C. delivered???????? D. rescued

20.A. escape?????????? B. breakout???????? C. disappearance????? D. flow



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后人1 ̄25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最   佳答案。  

      "Fire! Fire!" What 1 words to hear when one wakes up in a strange   house in the middle of the 2 ! It was a large old wooden house and my   room was 3 floor. I jumped 4 bed, opened the door and stepped out into   the passage. It was full of thick 5 .     I began to run but 6 I was still only half-awake,    7 of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction(相反方向). The   smoke grew 8 and I could see flames(火苗) all around. The floor became   9 under my feet. I found an open 10 and ran into a room to get to the   11 . But 12 I could reach it, one of my feet caught in something soft   and I 13 down. The thing I had fallen over was   14 a bundle (包袱) of clothes and I picked it   15 to protect my face from the smoke and 16 .   Just then the floor broke under me and I fell to the floor   17 with pieces of 18 all around me.     I saw a flaming doorway 19 , put the bundle over my   20 and ran. My feet burned terribly, but I got through. As I reached the   21 air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin   22 , I nearly dropped it in my 23 . Then I saw a crowd gathered in the street. A woman shouted. When she saw   me, she came 24 madly.   "My baby! My baby!" she cried. The crowd cheered as she took the   bundle out of my arms. I had 25 her baby. I was a hero.  

 1. A. terrible  B. usual  C. sad    D. funny    [  ]  2. A. hotel     B. day    C. night  D. room     [  ]  3. A. on the top        B. on the ground   C. on the          D. out of the         [  ]  4. A. into    B. out    C. out of   D. in       [  ]  5. A. smell     B. smoke  C. fire   D. water    [  ]   6. A. when    B. as     C. though   D. unless     [  ]  7. A. instead         B. because     C. as a result       D. thanks           [  ]  8. A. thinner   B. hotter   C. thicker  D. larger     [  ]  9. A. cold    B. hot    C. cool   D. shaken     [  ] 10. A. door    B. window   C. wall   D. floor    [  ] 11. A. door    B. window   C. wall   D. floor    [  ] 12. A. after     B. when   C. before   D. until    [  ] 13. A. sat     B. fell   C. looked   D. took     [  ] 14. A. as      B. like   C. likely   D. being    [  ] 15. A. out     B. up     C. away   D. off      [  ] 16. A. heat          B. hot    C. fireplace         D. smell          [  ] 17. A. over    B. below  C. behind   D. beside     [  ] 18. A. clothes         B. fire      C. burning wood      D. burning building     [  ] 19. A. ahead           B. in front of    C. outside         D. inside           [  ] 20. A. chest     B. eyes   C. face   D. neck     [  ] 21. A. hot     B. dry    C. wet    D. cold     [  ] 22. A. shout     B. call   C. cry    D. smile    [  ] 23. A. happiness   B. sadness  C. hurry  D. surprise   [  ] 24. A. running   B. going  C. falling  D. arriving   [  ] 25. A. taken     B. carried  C. saved  D. looked for   [  ]

