A have asked B. had answered C. had been asking D. have been answering 查看更多




When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your anger. But forgiveness is possible—and it can be surprisingly    16    to your physical and    17    health.

“People who always forgive others   18    less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness,” says Frederic Luskin, Ph.D., the    19    of Forgive for Good. “So it can help    20    on the wear and tear on our organs, reduce the wearing out of the immune(免疫的) system and    21    people to feel more vital.”

So how do you start the forgiveness? Try    22    these steps:

Calm yourself. To defuse your    23   , try a simple stress-management technique. “Take a couple of breaths and think of    24    that gives you pleasure: a   25    scene in nature, someone you love,” Luskin says.

Don’t    26    an apology. “Many times the person who hurt you has no    27    of apologizing,” Luskin says. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same    28   . So if you wait for people to apologize you could be waiting a(n)   29    long time.” Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean    30    to the person who upsets you.

Take the control away from your offender. Mentally replaying(重播) your    31    gives power to the person who caused you pain. “   32    focusing on your hurt feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness   33    you,” Luskin says.

Try to see things from the other person’s view. If you empathize(把感情移入) with that person, you may    34    that he or she was acting out of ignorance, fear—even love.

Recognize the benefits of forgiveness. Research has shown that people who always forgive others will get more energy, better    35    and better sleep.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself.“For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge,” Luskin says. But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.”

16. A. beneficial                 B. harmful                  C. helpless                 D. suitable

17. A. chemical                  B. wealthy                 C. technical               D. mental

18. A. own                           B. show                     C. direct                     D. prove 

19. A. author                      B. owner                    C. professor             D. publisher

20. A. protect                     B. save                      C. wait                        D. depend

21. A. have                          B. wish                        C. make                      D. allow

22. A. coping                      B. turning                   C. following              D. accepting

23. A. sadness                   B. anger                             C. hunger                   D. energy

24. A. something               B. anything                C. nothing                  D. everything

25. A. thoughtful               B. dull                          C. beautiful              D. still

26. A. call for                      B. hunt for                 C. long for                  D. wait for

27. A. invention                 B. invitation               C. intention              D. attention

28. A. way                          B. means                    C. method                     D. approach

29. A. helpfully                   B. carefully                 C. patiently                D. awfully 

30. A. giving in                  B. giving away C. giving up                D. giving out

31. A. wound                      B. hurt                       C. cut                          D. damage

32. A. Because of              B. Despite of             C. Instead of             D. In search of

33. A. around                     B. above                     C. beneath               D. below

34. A. tell                   B. realize                  C. see                            D. recognize

35. A. housing           B. appearance          C. figure                     D. appetite



I’m really getting too fat.  From now on, I________ more exercise and eat less food.

A have done       B do     C am doing      D will do



第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)


Have you ever heard your own voice? “Of course,” you say.

Has anyone else ever heard your voice? Again you say, “Of course.”

But that’s not quite true. Nobody else has ever heard your voice-the way you hear it. When you talk, you set up sound waves The air outside your head carries the sound waves to your outer ears. But, of course, the sound of your voice begins inside your head. The bones of your head pick up the sound waves, too. They carry the sound waves straight to your inner ears. You get the sound from the outside and the inside too. Other people get just the sound waves from the outside. That is why they don’t hear your voice the way you do.

56.You ______hear your voice the same way others hear it.

A.can’t       B.seldom   C.sometimes   D.always

57.Sound travels in the form of ______.

A.bones      B.air       C.waves       D.voice

58.When you talk, sound waves are set up inside _______.

A.your inner ears          B.your outer ears

C.your head              D.your head bones

59.The underlined phrase “pick up ”here means _______.

A.to raise    B.to gain    C.to select   D.to pull

60.The passage is mainly about________.

A.waves in the air            B.the way you hear your own voice

C.voice spreading far and wide 

D.the different way people hear their voices




   Do you have bright ideas? Ideas or inventions that change society or, at least, make life easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we don’t often make the idea a reality. Recently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encourages young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest; Group One was for schoolchildren under 16; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16. And there were eleven prize-winners altogether.

Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called “Sunshine Superman”. It’s important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most sunshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neil’s is more accurate(精确的) and this is very important for research into the way of using solar power.

You can do so much with animated cartoon. Look at Simon West’s idea for animated road signs. He uses pictures which appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them. This isn’t a new idea. But it is new to use these pictures on road signs. “We found that people were more likely to see moving signs,” said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving , horses running or a car falling over the edge of a cliff(悬崖). Quite a warning!

The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesn’t ask more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of “pupil power!”

1. The writer holds that people seldom ______.

   A. have bright ideas       B. turn their bright ideas into reality

   C. make their life easier    D. think of inventing something

2. Neil Hunt’s design would finally lead to the improvement of the way of _______.

   A. recording direct sunshine        B. recording the hours of sunshine

   C. using the energy of the sun       D. knowing how strong sunlight is

3. What’s the use of Simon West’s animated road signs?

   A. To warn people to be careful while working.

   B. To warn people on the roads of the danger ahead.

   C. To add to the beauty of a city.

   D. To help make a car trip more exciting.

4. The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to ______.

   A. take better care of schoolchildren   

B. help schoolchildren in their studies

   C. stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions

   D. pay more attention to schoolchildren’s inventive power



—I have some big news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our club.

   --- __________That’s great!

   A. Have I?            B. Pardon?        C. Congratulations!    D. Good idea!


