However, we must the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things. 查看更多



1.The new library was named ____ _____ of a businessman devoted to China’s education.

2.He has developed _______ a strong leader.


However, we still must be _______ _______ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.

4.He’s waiting for his son ______.

5.I normally wake up about 5 minutes before my alarm clock______.

6.It was sunny just now.But______the sky was covered with dark clouds.



【小题1】The new library was named ____ _____ of a businessman devoted to China’s education.
【小题2】He has developed _______ a strong leader.
However, we still must be _______ _______ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.
【小题4】He’s waiting for his son ______.
【小题5】I normally wake up about 5 minutes before my alarm clock______.
【小题6】It was sunny just now.But______the sky was covered with dark clouds.


41. 如果他继续这样拼命工作,就会把自己累垮的。

If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll ________ himself ________.

42. After running out of his money abroad,he ______.

43. The new library was named ____ _____ of a businessman devoted to China’s education.

44. Meetings and phone calls ______a large part of the day.

45. 尽管如此,我们对商业广告中所使用的技法还是得有些意识。

However, we still must be _______ _______ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.

46. They ______to the south pole and tried to live there.

47. I am in ____ _____ your suggestion though many others don’t like it at present.

48. The delay was ______ power failure.

49. People all over the world ______the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

50. ______this room,our room is much brighter.



41. 如果他继续这样拼命工作,就会把自己累垮的。

If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll ________ himself ________.

42. After running out of his money abroad,he ______.

43. The new library was named ____ _____ of a businessman devoted to China’s education.

44. Meetings and phone calls ______a large part of the day.

45. 尽管如此,我们对商业广告中所使用的技法还是得有些意识。

However, we still must be _______ _______ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.

46. They ______to the south pole and tried to live there.

47. I am in ____ _____ your suggestion though many others don’t like it at present.

48. The delay was ______ power failure.

49. People all over the world ______the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

50. ______this room,our room is much brighter.

