Things improved. 查看更多




1.We should have a good ________(掌握)of computer and English in our modern life.

2.The news is almost certainly true although it is not ________(官方的).

3.The Roman languages ________(例如)French, Italian, all grew out of Latin.

4.Don’t get discouraged just ________(因为)failure in the first attempt.

5.Things ________(逐渐地)improved.

6.All the dialects in China are ________(实际上)from the same origin.

7.________(频繁的)failures did not affect his morale.

8.When we’re on holiday in Greece, we live like the ________(本地人).

9.Normans ________(统治)England for about 500 years.

10.There are lots of TV channels broadcasting songs on ________(请求;要求).

11.The moon is ________(上来)over the mountains.

12.It’s funny to listen to a businessman who speaks Putonghua with the Cantonese ________(口音).

13.Chairman Hu Jintao has set us the socialist moral ________(标准).

14.At the sound of gun, the birds in the trees flew in all ________(方向).

15.Students are often asked to ________(复述)texts.

16.The new ________(身份)cards will be put to use in 2007.

17.I am afraid I can’t help you just ________(目前).

18.Our nation has been developing ________(迅速地)in science and technology.

19.The policeman ________(辨认出)the lady as a pickpocket.

20.People from different ________(文化)sometimes misunderstand each other in communications.

