-------I don’t mind telling you about I know. -------You . I am not asking you for it. A. mustn’t B. may not C. can’t D. needn’t 查看更多



The customs in different countries are rather different. If I have dinner with a Chinese host, he always puts more food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied it. That often discomforts me greatly. I have to eat the food even if I do not want to, because it is considered bad manners in the west to leave one’s food on the plate. I have also noticed that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he often refuses the offer of drink though he’s in fact still hungry or thirsty. This might be good manners in China but it is not in the west at all. In the United States, it is impolite to keep asking someone again and again or insist on his accepting something. Americans have a direct way of speaking. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, “No, thanks.” When an American is served with beer by the host, for example, he might say, “No, thanks. I’ll take some orange juice if you have it.” That is what an American will do. So when you go to the United States, you’d better remember the famous saying: “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
【小题1】From this passage we can see that the writer is         .

A.a ChineseB.a Roman
C.an AmericanD.a European
【小题2】When a Chinese host kept putting more food onto his plate, the writer felt       .
A.very happyB.sadC.angryD.uneasy
【小题3】In the west, people consider it bad manners         .
A.to refuse an offer
B.to ask for something directly
C.to eat at a dinner party
D.to keep asking someone to accept something
【小题4】A guest at an American’s dinner party should show his politeness by         .
A.putting more food onto his plate as soon as he emptied it
B.refusing the offer of food or drink though he is still hungry or thirsty.
C.asking for things directly if he wants them
D.not eating all the food offered


With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. In my opinion, no matter how busy they are, they should make the best of their time to stay with their children.
Every time when parents take them to the amusement park, help them to prepare their birthday parties, applaud for them when they are competing in the sports meeting, the time they spend with children will become treasure in their memories.
Children need the direction from their parents. There are some wrong behaviors in our society such as dishonesty, violence and so on. Children have weak resistance in defending this negative influence. In this case, parents' instructions seem to be very important to children's growth. Parents should sit down smd talk with them about what they should do and should not do.
I do not deny that there are some disadvantages in spending too much time with children. Some parents restrict their children, and give them little freedom to develop their interests. Therefore, I emphasize that parents should educate and instruct their children appropriately in their spare time apart from their busy work.


At the age of seven, I went to see my grandma in Warwick and spent the summer with her. One day I went to a general store with a   34 full of what Grandma needed.
“Excuse me, I need to   35  these,” I said .
“So ? I’m not your   36 ! You should get yourself a basket and start filling,” Miss Bee, the owner of the store, said   37  without smiling. “If you’re   38  you’ll be home by sunset.” Sunset was five hours away.   39 , the store was a puzzle, and I wasn’t sure if I would make it.
I visited Miss Bee several times a week that   40 . One afternoon when I watched her adding 35 cents instead of 29 for a can of beans, I   41  her immediately. Though being caught overcharging , she didn’t seem   42 , and she just fixed the price.
All summer long I was always tricked by Miss Bee. No sooner had I memorized the soda’s location on the shelf than she rearranged the shelves and made me  43 it all over again. But by summer’s end the   44 trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.
The morning I was to return to Brooklyn, I stepped in to get a bottle of water.
“What did you   45  this summer?” she said.
“That you’re so mean!” I whispered.
To my   46 , Miss Bee laughed. “When you get older, you’ll be glad our paths crossed!”
Glad I met Miss Bee ? No!
Until one day my daughter came to me with homework  47 . “It’s too hard,” she said. “Could you finish it for me?”
“If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?” Suddenly, I was   48  at that general store where Miss Bee had really taught me something all those years ago.

A.hunt forB.step ontoC.learn aboutD.care for


I went to the Chinatown market in London last Sunday. The first thing I did was to go to one of the Chinese green grocers’ shops. As soon as I entered the shop, I smelt mixtures of Chinese spices and saw the new season’s fruits. My son wanted a bag of sweets, so we popped into the shop next door which sells many kinds of candy.
There’s a lot of noise in the Chinatown market and you will see many tourists too. There are a lot of cars and trucks that never stop beeping. While people are loading and unloading their goods, most of them have their cars and trucks parked in the middle of the road. This causes great inconvenience for other drivers. Can you imagine that?
After we had done all our shopping, my son and I went to a restaurant for lunch. We enjoyed our meal very much. But the shopping made us both very tired at the end. We headed down the road to catch our bus home. My son and I enjoyed riding in the bus. We also enjoyed looking at different buildings and people walking by dressed in fancy outfits. Although Chinatown can be a busy place to shop, I do enjoy going there now and then. I can buy some of my necessities, and I can also look and browse around the other shops and department stores where I can indulge (使沉迷) myself with some nice things. Chinatown is located in the heart of central London where you can find tons of shops and other places to amuse you. And for me, I certainly don’t mind going back there again soon.
【小题1】The underlined words “popped into” most probably could be replaced by “_____”.

A.broke intoB.rushed intoC.pushed intoD.walked into
【小题2】 The author probably didn’t go to a ______.
C.clothing storeD.sweets shop
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?

【小题4】From the passage, we can infer that the author most probably went to Chinatown by­­_____

【小题5】What does the last sentence of the passage imply?


For most people, graduation is an exciting day – the culmination (顶点) of years of hard work. My graduation day... was not.
I remember that weekend two years ago, Family and friends had traveled far to watch our class walk across the stage. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy go from bad to worse during my senior year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited prospects (前景). I hadn’t secured a job, and I knew that the next day, when my lease (租约) ended, I would no longer have a place to call home.
The weeks ahead weren’t easy. I gathered up everything I couldn’t carry and put it into storage. Then, because I had no opportunities in my small university town, I packed up my car and drove to California to find work. But what I thought would take a week dragged into two, then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself still jobless. The due date to begin paying back my student loans was creeping even closer.
Have you ever felt utter dread? That feeling became a constant in my life. The most frustrating part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t seem to make any progress.
So what did I do to maintain my sanity? I wrote. Something about putting my words on a page made everything clearer. Something about writing gave me hope.
I channeled my frustration into a children’s book. Beyond the river was the story of an unlikely hero, a little fish who refused to give up.
And then one day, with no writing degree or contacts in the writing world – just hard work and perseverance – I was offered a publishing contract for my first book. After that, things were in place, I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with the Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.
The moral of this story is… don’t give up, even if things look bleak now.  Two years ago I was drinking cold soup right out the can. Things change. All we need is the courage to push beyond the river.
【小题1】When it was time to graduate, the author felt _____.

【小题2】After the author’s graduation, _____.
A.he went on a short trip with his family to California
B.things turned even worse than he had expected
C.he focused on writing instead of applying for jobs
D.he found his salary was hardly enough to pay back his student loans
【小题3】When did the author’s career life begin to run smoothly according to the article?
A.After he got his first publishing contract.
B.After he began to write his book Beyond the river.
C.After he finished his book Beyond the river.
D.After he got hired by the Walt Disney Company.
【小题4】What is the main message the story intends to convey?
A.Opportunity lies everywhere.
B.Perseverance is essential to success.
C.It’s important to adapt yourself to society.
D.We should devote ourselves to whatever we do.

