----If John doesn’t come to work on time, he may be fired. ----Surely he isn’t so foolish that. A. as not to realize B. as not realizing C. that does not realize D. as to realize 查看更多



—If John doesn’t come to work on time, he may be fired.

—Surely he isn’t so foolish ________ that.

A. as not to realize                B. as not realizing

C. that does not realize              D. as to realize



—If John doesn’t come to work on time, he may be fired.

—Surely he isn’t so foolish ________ that.

A. as not to realize                B. as not realizing

C. that does not realize              D. as to realize



-If John doesn't come to work on time, he may be fired.

-Surely he isn't so foolish ________ that.

[  ]

A.as not to realize
B.as not realizing
C.that does not realize
D.as to realize


--- If John does not come to work on time, he may be fired.

---Surely he is not so foolish _________ that.

A.as not to realize

B.as not realizing

C.that doesn’t realize

D.as to realize



---If John does not come to work on time, he may be fired.
---Surely he is not so foolish ______ that.

  1. A.
    as not to realize
  2. B.
    as not realizing
  3. C.
    that doesn’t realize
  4. D.
    as to realize

