Ah Meng is a . 查看更多



Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue

M:Hello, ________ ________ ________ ________?

F:I've got a ________ and a cough(咳嗽).

M:Have you had your breakfast?

F:No, I don't feel like ________.

M:Have you taken your ________?

F:Yes, I have. I had a temperature. And now I'm ________ a little better.

M:________ ________ ________, show me your tongue and say “Ah…”. Now let me ________ to your heart.

F:Is it serious(严重)?

M:Nothing serious. Maybe you have caught ________ ________ ________. Have a rest and you'll be all right soon.


Mr. Wang: May I come in?
Mr. Liu: Oh, it's you. Please come in.
Mr. Wang: Thanks. How are you this afternoon and how's your brother?
Mr. Liu: I'm fine, thanks. My brother isn't at home now. He goes to see his friends on Sunday afternoon.
             He's fine, too. It's time to practice (练习) English, isn't it ?
Mr. Wang: Yes. What are we going to talk about this time (这次)?
Mr. Liu: What about this picture? Look, here it is!
Mr. Wang: What a nice picture! I like it!
Mr. Liu: So do I. It's a picture of Mr. Smith's family.
Mr. Wang: Let me have a look. Ah, there're four members (成员) in the family. One, two, three, four.
Mr. Liu: No, five. There're five.
Mr. Wang: But I see only four. Look, Mr. Smith on the right (右边); Mrs. Smith on the left (左边) and two
                children in front of them.
Mr. Liu: Look, here is another (另一个) one, a dog. Its name is Tom.
Mr. Wang: Oh, I see. They must be very happy.
Mr. Liu: Yes. They are very happy.
      1____________ is 2____________ afternoon. Mr. Wang is at Mr. Liu's 3____________. They practice
English at this 4____________ 5____________ the day.
      Mr. Wang 6____________ a picture. 7____________ is a picture 8____________ Mr. 9____________
Family. 10____________ 11____________ five members. 12____________ of them is 13____________,
a 14____________.
      Mr. Smith 15____________ a happy family. 16____________ a happy family he 17____________!


Wang Bing: I want to listen to some music, but I can't find my CD Walkman.      
Wang Xing: Is it on your desk?      
Wang Bing: No, it isn't. It was there this morning.      
Wang Xing: Ah, I can see it. It's on the chair now.      
Wang Bing: Thank you. Where are my earphones ? I can't see them.      
Wang Xing: I think they' re next to the computer.      
Wang Bing: No, they aren't there.
Wang Xing: But they were there just now. 
Wang Bing: Could you help me find them, please? 
wang Xing: Sure. Oh, here they are. 
(     )1. The CD Walkman isn't on the         now.            
                A. desk                               B. computer                            C. chair        
(     )2. The earphones were          .   
                A. next to the computer        B. on the chair                         C. on the desk      
(     )3. Are the earphones next to the computer now ?            
                A. Yes,   they are.                 B. No, they aren't.                    C. Perhaps they are.        
(     )4. Who find the CD Walkman?            
                A. Wang Bing.                      B. Wang Xing.                         C. Sorry, I don't know.        
(     )5. What is Wang Bing looking for?            
                A. CD Walkman and computer.       B. earphones and computer.      C. CD Walkman and earphones. 


Read and choose. 补全对话,将选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。
A. Do you have a headache
B. my throat is very sore
C. What's the matter
D. Thank you
E. Open your mouth
Doctor: 1____, Mike?
B: I feel sick.
Doctor: 2      _?
B: Yes, I have a headache.
Doctor: Do you have a sore throat?
B: Yes, 3      _.
Doctor: Let me have a look. 4      _ and say "Ah. . . ". You have got a cold.  
            Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.
B: 5        .


Open ____ mouth and say "Ah".   
[     ]
A. you    
B. your    
C. my    
D. me

