Why did Ronald's teacher praise Ronald? (H) Written Expression Look at the picture below. Write five sentences about it. 查看更多



Read and answer the questions

  One day Mr. Robinson saw a lady on the street with ten children. The children wore the same clothes.

  “Are these children yours?” Asked Mr. Robinson.


  “Do you always dress them in the same clothes”, asked Mr. Robinson.

  “Yes. When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we didn't want to lose them. Now, we have ten. We dress them like these because we don't want to take other children.”

(1)What did Mr. Robinson see?


(2)Were the children all the lady's?


(3)Why did she dress her children in the same clothes?



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Last summer, Emma was walking in the forest with her dog Ben. She was throwing a ball and Ben was catching it, when he suddenly saw a rabbit. The rabbit ran away and Ben followed it. Emma was afraid because there was a waterfall. “Be careful, Ben!”she shouted. “Come here.”


Where were Emma and Ben? in the forest

1.Which animal did Ben follow? ________

2.How did Emma feel? ________

Emma couldn't find Ben anywhere. She ran to the waterfall. It was very big and noisy. Emma's feet were wet. “Oh no,”she thought. “Ben's fallen in the river!”She looked into the water but she couldn't see him. Then someone whistled. “Who's there?”Emma shouted.

3.What was the waterfall like? ________

4.Why did Emma shout “Who's there?” ________

“It's me, David,”o boy answered. “Oh, where are you, David?”Emma said. “I'm playing in this cave I've found. Come and look,”answered David. Emma walked behind the waterfall and there was a big, dry cave there. Ben was sitting next to a fire. He looked very warm.“So that's where you are, Ben,”Emma laughed.

5.What was the boy called? ________

6.Where was the cave? ________

7.Who looked very warm? ________


Read and answer the questions

Tom Saw a Tiger

  “Last week,” Tom said to his friend Bob, “I went for a walk in a big park. The weather was very cold and it was very windy. Suddenly, I saw a big tiger…”

  “What did you do?”asked Bob.

  “I looked at him, put my hands into my pockets and went home,” answered Tom.

  “Did the tiger run after you?” asked Bob.

  “Oh, no. It didn't. You know, it was in the zoo.”

(1)Did Tom go for a walk in a small park?


(2)What was the weather like?


(3)What did Tom see?


(4)Why did the tiger not run after Tom?




A: _____1______?

B: I'm going to visit my uncle.

A: ______2_____?

B: I'm going to pick oranges for him. He works on an oranges farm.

A: Wow! _____3_____! I want to go there, too!

B: _____4______?

A: Really? That'll be great!

B: Yes! ____5____.

A: OK! Thanks very much!

A. Where are you going to go this weekend

B. What are you going to do there

C. How about going with me

D. Let's go there together

E. Why did you go there

F. What are you going to do this weekend

G. That sounds interesting


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday Jane's mum said, “I want to go to the supermarket. Can you help me Jane?” Jane carried one bag and her mother carried another They caught a bus and went to the town. The bus stopped opposite the supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn't very happy because she doesn't like shopping.


When did Jane and her mother go to town? yesterday .


1.What did Jane carry for her mum?  ________

2.Which shop did they go to?   ________

Inside the supermarket Jane's mum picked up fruit and bread but she couldn't find any rice. Jane looked carefully and found the rice below the pasta, tier mum was happy and said, “You are a good girl Jane.” Then Jane's mum wanted some lemonade. Jane could see the bottles but she isn't tall. She had to climb up to the bottles. Then she jumped down again but she hurt her leg. She started to cry loudly.

3.What did Jane's mum pick up?  ________

4.Where was the rice?  ________

5.Why did Jane have to climb up? because  ________

6.How did Jane come down?  ________

7.What did Jane hurt?  ________

Jane's mum gave her an ice cream and she stopped crying. But her leg hurt and she couldn't walk. Jane's mum telephoned her dad and he came in his car to take them home. Jane's mum said, “I can never take you shopping again Jane.”Jane was very happy!

8.What did Jane's mum give her?  ________

9.Who came to the shop?   ________

10.Mow did they go home?   ________

