He wanted to go to the post office. 查看更多




Ma Liang was a good boy. He helped people. He had a paintbrush. It was magic. This old woman didn't have food. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food was real. There was a bad man. He didn't help people. He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush. The bad man didn't have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. But it didn't make gold. It made a snake.

1. The magic paintbrush only helped the bad man. _______

2. The bad man wanted food. _______

3. The bad painted gold with magic paintbrush but it make a snake. ______



One day, Jack and his cow went to a market. He wanted some food. But no one wanted his old cow. At last, an old man came. He had some magic beans. Jack gave his cow to the man and the man gave Jack the beans. Then Jack walked back to his house. He put the beans in the ground. The next day, there was a tall beanstalk in the garden. Jack was very surprised.

1. One day, Jack went to a market himself.______.

2. Many people wanted Jack's old cow._____.

3. Jack went back to his house with his cow at last._____



  Yesterday morning Mocky came to play with Ann and Ken.Ann and Ken were eating breakfast in the kitchen.

  Ann gave Mocky a banana.Mocky was hungry.So he ate the banana very quickly.Suddenly something happened.

  Mocky coughed and coughed.He looked sick.Ken patted Mocky on the back.Mocky coughed again and thebanana went everywhere!He was OK.Then he cleaned the table.The next day Mocky visited Ann and Ken again.He didn’t want to eat any bananas.


Ann and Ken were at home yesterday.

(  )


Mocky ate a banana slowly yesterday.

(  )


Ann patted Mocky on his back.

(  )


Ken cleaned the table.

(  )


The next Mocky didin’t wanted any banana.

(  )


Read the passage and choose the best answer

Mr. White has a nice and brown coat. He loves it very much, but his wife doesn't like it at all, because it is old. She often says, “Throw it away or give it to a poor man.” Mr. White always says, “No, I like this coat.” One day, a cigarette dropped on it and made a hole in it, so Mrs. White said, “Please don't wear it again.” Mr. White took it to a tailor's shop and said to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor made the coat very carefully and then he smoked a cigarette. Finally, he made a hole in it in the same place.

(1)Mr. White's coat is ________.

[  ]


(2)________ doesn't like this coat.

[  ]

A.Mr. White
B.Mrs. White
C.The tailor
D.A beggar

(3)When the cigarette made a hole in the coat,

Mr. White ________.

[  ]

A.decided to throw it away

B.gave it to a beggar

C.asked a tailor to make another one like it

D.didn't like it any more

(4)The tailor made a new coat with a hole because ________.

[  ]

A.Mr. White asked him to do so

B.he was not careful

C.he wanted to make the same coat as the first one

D.he thought it would be better


Look at the pictures and read the story- Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Last week Jim was playing volleyball at school with his friends. Suddenly, he fell and broke his leg. His teacher phoned the hospital for an ambulance. They waited for a long time, but it didn't arrive. Jim's leg was hurting, so his teacher had to take him to the hospital by car


Which sport was Jim doing? volleyball

1.How did Jim break his leg? ________

2.How did Jim get to hospital? ________

Jim had to stay in hospital, but he didn't mind because all his friends came to visit him. They said, “Do you need anything?”He asked them for some sweets and a tape recorder, because the food tasted horrible, and he wanted to listen to his favourite music.

3.Who visited Jim in hospital? ________

4.What was the food like? ________

After two weeks, the doctor said, “Well, Jim, you can go home today. But you mustn't do any sports.”Jim was very sad then, because he loved sports. But at home that evening his mum said, “Look, Jim! I've made your favourite food, a pizza, and your dad's bought a video of your favourite football team.”Jim laughed and felt happy again.

5.How long did Jim stay in hospital? ________

6.What shouldn't Jim do? ________

7.What did Jim most like to eat? ________

