Why does Bearie like to stay with Vivian? (G) Written Expression Look at the picture and write a story about it. Use the helping words given below. Kite-Flying made a kite fine day park windy very high fun many people taught to fly a kite ANSWERS Practice 8 A. 1. giant 2. hurry 3. fruiterer 4. receipt 5. badminton 6. parcel 7. spider 8. bouquet 9. portrait 10. nest B. 11. lion 12. jungle 13. nurse 14. patients 15. shelves 16. mess 17. beach 18. picnic 19. boutique 20. gown C. 21. train 22. centipede 23. eagle 24. spectacles 25. bottle 26. ice-cream 27. D. 查看更多



     A man is going to the house of a rich man. He sees a box of good apples by the road. He says, 
"I don't want them, because the rich man will give me a lot of good food." Then he takes the apples
and throws (扔) them into the dustbin (垃圾箱).
     He comes to a river. The water in the river is very deep and he can't get across (穿过) it. He
says to himself, "I can't go to the rich m an' s house today." So he goes home.
     He has nothing to eat that day. He is very hungry, so he comes to the apples.
     Don' t throw good things away,  you m ay be glad to have them sometimes.
1. Where does the m an find a box of apples?
2. Why does he throw the apples away?
3. He can't go to the rich man's house. Why?
4. Why the man is hungry and comes to the apples?
5. What do you learn from this story (故事) ?


      When Mary Smith was a student, she wanted to be a 1___________ 2___________ she liked children.
When she was twenty 3___________, she taught (教学) in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she
4___________ a lot with her children in her class. They loved her very much.
      One day, a girl in her class 5___________ to her, " Miss Smith, why does a man's hair become grey
(灰白色) before his beard (胡子) does? "
      Mary laughed and said, " I don't know. Helen, do you know? " " Sorry, but it happened 6___________ my
father." The other 7___________ laughed when they heard this.
      Then a boy said, " I 8___________, Miss Smith! A man's hair becomes grey 9___________ because it's
sixteen years older 10___________ his beard! "
(     ) 1. A. doctor
(     ) 2. A. so
(     ) 3. A. years old
(     ) 4. A. cried
(     ) 5. A. says
(     ) 6. A. down
(     ) 7. A. children
(     ) 8. A. think
(     ) 9. A. fast
(     ) 10. A. than
B. teacher
B. but
B. days
B. learned
B. say
B. to
B. classes      
B. know
B. slowly
B. same
C. worker
C. that
C. metres
C. laughed
C. is saying
C. for
C. boys
C. sure
C. first
C. with
D. farmer
D. because
D. year old
D. studied
D. said
D. from
D. girls
D. say
D. quickly
D. as


Read and answer the questions

Mr. Smith is a very tall man. He is bigger than other people. Life is not easy for Mr. Smith. He can not find clothes big enough. His feet are too big for shoes. In buses, trains and planes, he can't stand up straight. The roofs are too low. In cars, he can't move his legs. Chairs are always too small. So Mr. Smith stays at home because life is easier at home.

(1)Why is Mr. Smith's life not easy?


(2)What does he do with these problems?


(3)Why does he often stay at home?



Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Every morning John goes to work by train. Because he has a long way, he always buys a newspaper. It helps to make the time pass quickly.

  One Tuesday morning, he turned to the sports page. He wanted to read the report about an important football game the night before. The team of his town won the game. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station. He didn't know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the next station and had to wait a long time for a train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. His boss(老板)was very angry with him when John told him why he was late for work. “Work is more important than football!” the boss shouted.

(1)The story happened ________.

[  ]

A.every morning

B.one Tuesday morning

C.at a station

D.at the office

(2)Why does John always buy a newspaper on his way to work? Because ________.

[  ]

A.he enjoys reading newspapers

B.he wants to write something for a newspaper

C.he wants to make time pass quickly

D.he wants to read the report about football games

(3)According to(根据)the story, we know ________.

[  ]

A.it's far from John's home to the office

B.it's not far from John's home to the office

C.John's house is near the office

D.John's house is near to the office

(4)Why was the boss angry with John? Because ________________.

[  ]

A.the team of his town won the game

B.he had a long way

C.he was late for work

D.he went to work by train

(5)The boss didn't think ________.

[  ]

A.work was more important than football

B.football was more important than work

C.the report was interesting

D.John arrived very late


1. What does Jenny like to eat?
2. What is Li Ming's favourite shape? 
3. What does Kim like to do? 
4. Is Steven's favourite shape triangle? 
5. Why does Danny like a circle?

