Pete goes to Taiwan every month. 查看更多




Tom goes to school by bus.



Who put ink(墨水)on my chair?Tom is seven.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home.So he goes there on foot and comes back home early.But today he is late.His mother asks him,“Why are you late today?”“I was in the teacher’s office.”“Why did you go to the teacher’s office?”“Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I can.”“It’s good to answer the questions.”“but the questions was ‘Who put ink on my chair?’”


Tom lives near his school.

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He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

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Today Tom was late for school.

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Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair.

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The boy is a good boy, he can answer teacher’s question.

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--She goes swimming.

--She doesn't watch TV.



My name is Matt.I am eleven years old.I am in Redrock Bay elementary school.My favorite subject is geography.I think it is very interesting to look at map of different places(不同的地点).I am a good boy.I do many chores at home.After I get up, I have to make my bed.And then I have to make my breakfast.I always take out the trash before I go to school.After school I do my homework first.After dinner I don’t clean the table but I wash the dishes.I usually go to bed before nine o’clock.


Matt doesn’t like geography.

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Matt likes visiting different places.

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Matt has to do many chores.

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Matt has to clean the table after dinner.

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Matt usually goes to bed very late.

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--How does your dad go to work?

--He goes to work by subway.

