He shouts at his sister all the time. 查看更多




      There's a naughty (淘气的) boy in a 1. v____________. He likes telling 2. l____________. One day he
wants to make 3. f____________ of the farmers. So he shouts, " Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is 4. c____________! "
The kind farmers are working in the 5. f____________. They hear the shout, and 6. h____________ to
help the boy. But when they get there, the boy says, " There isn't a 7. w____________. I'm joking." The
farmers are angry and go back to their fields. After a while the boy shouts again, " Wolf! Wolf! " And the
8. f____________ come and are cheated again. The boy laughs and laughs. And the farmers say, " You tell
lies. We will not believe you."
      9. L____________ a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared (害怕). " Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming! " the
boy shouts and shouts, " Help! Help! " But no one comes. And the wolf 10. e____________ the naughty boy.


Read and choose.(阅读短文,并回答问题)     
     A crocodile is swimming in a river. He sees a monkey by the river.  He wants to catch the monkey
and eat his heart.
     He says to the monkey, "Monkey, there are many banana trees on the other side of the river. Do
you want to eat bananas: "The monkey is very glad. He jumps onto the crocodile's back.
     In the middle of the river the crocodile says, "You are foolish. I want to eat your heart. " The monkey
is very frightened, but he is very clever, too.
     "You have to take me back to the tree. My heart is there. I can't give you my heart now. " the monkey
says to the crocodile.
     The crocodile thinks that it is true. He swims back with the monkey. When the monkey gets to the
tree, he shouts at the crocodile, "You can't get my heart now. You can't climb up a tree.  I will not come
1.What does the crocodile see in the tree when he is swimming in a river?
2. What does the crocodile want to eat?
3. Which kind of fruit does the monkey like to eat?
4. Does the crocodile eat the heart of the monkey?


      One day a thief (贼) wants to steal (偷) something from a rich (富有的) man's house. He opens the door and 
goes in. The rich man is sleeping. The thief sees a watch on the table and puts it in his pocket (口袋). Just then
(正在这时) the rich man wakes up (醒来) and sees the thief. He gets up and asks the man, "What are you 
doing? Can you tell me your name?" The thief stands there and says nothing. The rich man is angry. He shouts 
at the thief, "Get out!" The thief runs out of the house quickly.  
(     ) 1. The thief is the rich man's friend. 
(     ) 2. The thief gets a watch. 
(     ) 3. The rich man is watching TV. 
(     ) 4. The thief answers the man's question. 
(     ) 5. The rich man takes the thief to the police station.



Ma Liang was a good boy. He helped people. He had a paintbrush. It was magic. This old woman didn't have food. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food was real. There was a bad man. He didn't help people. He took Ma Liang's magic paintbrush. The bad man didn't have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. But it didn't make gold. It made a snake.

1. The magic paintbrush only helped the bad man. _______

2. The bad man wanted food. _______

3. The bad painted gold with magic paintbrush but it make a snake. ______


Sentence transformation

Example:he/see a doctor

He has got to see a doctor.

she/clean her bedroom


