His cats sleeping under the table last night. 查看更多




His father's birthday is on the 10th of September. ___


Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).(听课本第26页的录音,判断句子正误.在正确的句子前面写“T”,错误的写“F”)

(  )1)Daming is looking at his new CD-ROM.

(  )2)His new CD-ROM is about animals.

(  )3)His Grandma's favourite animal is dogs.

(  )4)It says that pandas love bamboo.

(  )5)Pandas eat eleven hours a day!

(  )6)Grandma loves bamboo too.

(  )7)Snakes love music.

(  )8)Snakes are deaf.

(  )9)Snakes can hear music.

(  )10)It's copying the flute.

(  )


Read and choose the best answer

Tom is a little boy. He is eight. Today his mother is taking him to see his uncle. His uncle's house is very far from theirs. So they are going there by bus. There are only twenty people on the bus. They are all sitting on the seats. Tom is very happy He is running on the bus. His mother says, “Don't run! Sit down, please.” But Tom says, “I like to see my uncle very much. I want this bus to go faster.”

(1)Tom is going to see his uncle with ________.

[  ]

A.his mum
B.his dad
C.a little boy
D.the bus

(2)They are going to see his uncle ________.

[  ]

A.by bike
B.by bus
C.by boat
D.by plane

(3)Tom is running on the bus because ________.

[  ]

A.he is a boy

B.he wants to play

C.he is very clever

D.he wants to see his uncle early



Grandpa lives near his friend's home.


Listen and complete.

1)Wang Hong's birthday is in ________.

2)His mum's birthday is in ________.

3)His dad's birthday is in ________.

4)His favourite day is ________.

5)Children's Day is in ________.

