Susie and Janet in the library a while ago. (D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop or with a question mark. 查看更多




--Don't r_____ and j_____ on the train! Please stand b_____ the train.



--Don't r_____ and j_____ on the train! Please stand b_____ the train.



We feel hot in M   and J   .


      Su Hai and Su Yang are twin s         . Su Hai is as o        as SuYang.       
      They are in the s        class and they l        the same. They are good at r        and j         . Su Hai runs f      ,
but Su Yang jumps h         . Su Yang is b        at the long jump t        Su Hai. They want to v        Beijing in 


      An old woman is going shopping with a basket. She is going by boat. The boat is going across (穿过) the
river. Her basket is e      1        now. Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w      2       . " Help! my basket is in
the river."
      A boy sees the basket. He says, " Don't worry! I can g       3       it! " He takes off his shirt and shoes.
" Look a       4       them for me, please! " he says, and j       5       into the river.
      A duck sees the basket. " I can go by b      6       ." It thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy is swimming in
the river. " Where's the basket? " He asks. " It's over there! " answers the woman. " It's behind you! It's under
that d     7      ." The boy gets to the basket. " Go away! " he says to the duck. The duck comes o        8        
the basket and swims away. The b        9       takes the basket back to the woman. " Oh, thank you very much."
says the woman.
      " Not at all! " says the boy. " Do you have my shirt and shoes, please? " " Yes, here you are. Oh! What's
this in the basket? " " It's the duck's e       10       ."

