Nobody likes to sit beside him because he is very rude. 查看更多



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

Last week a man called David decided to go to the beach He was swimming under the water, when suddenly he saw a strange fish. It was very long and thin, and looked like a ________At first, David was afraid. He ________“Oh no, that looks dangerous!”But the fish didn't see him, and swam slowly away, so he ________it. David was carrying his underwater camera, so he decided to________some photos. Later, he told his friend, who was a journalist, about the fish. The next day, David's story was in the ________He is now famous because nobody else has ever seen that kind of fish.

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.The friendly fish

B.David breaks his camera

C.David's strange fish



  Mike had a nice brown coat.He loved it very much, but his wife did not like it, because it was too old.She often said,“Give it to a poor(穷的)man.”But Mike always said,“No, I like this coat.”

  One day a cigarette(烟卷)fell on the coat and make a hole in it, so Mike's wife said,“Please don't wear it again.”Mike took it to a small tailor(裁缝).“Please make another coat like this one.”The tailor made the coat very carefully.Then he lit(点着)a cigarette and made a hole in the same place.


Mike's wife didn't like the coat, because ________.

[  ]


it was not old


is was very old


it was not nice


it was nice and brown


Mike always said,“________”.

[  ]


No, make a hole in it


Give it to a poor man


No, I don't like this coat


No, I like this coat


________ took the old coat to the tailor.

[  ]




Mike's wife


Mike and his wife


A cigarette


Mike asked the tailor to ________.

[  ]


make a new hole on the coat


make a new coat


make more money


make a hole in the new coat


Who do you think is foolish(愚蠢的)?________.

[  ]


The tailor




Mike's wife




Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.


Last weekend a man called Harry with his wife decided to go climbing On way they were carrying

1.________rucksacks to the top of the mountain, when

2.suddenly his wife________and shouted, “Look! Harry! Look at the strange thing.”Harry looked there and he saw a strange flying bird. It was very big, but looked like

3.a(n)________At first, Harry was afraid. He

4.________“Oh, no, that looks dangerous!”But it didn't see them, and flew slowly away through the trees, so Harry

5.________it. Harry was taking his camera with him, so

6.he ________some photos quickly. Later, he gave these photos to his friend, who was a journalist. The next day, Harry's story and photos were in the newspaper. He's now famous for these photos because nobody else has ever seen that kind of bird before.

7.What is the story called? Choose the best name and tick one box.

[  ]

A.The Friendly Bird.

B.Harry Breaks His Camera.

C.Harry's Strange Bird.


     Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot
and comes back home on time (准时).  But today he is late. His mother asks him, "Why are you late
today?"  "I was in the headmaster's office (校长办公室). "  "Why did you go to the headmaster's
office?" "Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody (没人) could answer it, but me."
"It's good to answer the question." "But the question was 'Who put ink on my chair? "'
1. How old is Tom?
2. Does he go to school every day?
3. How does he go to school?
4. Can he answer the question?
5. Do you like Tom? Why?


Read and choose. 补全对话。
Tom:    1      
Li Hua: I went to a movie.          
Tom:    2      
Li Hua: I went there by bike.           
Tom:    3      
Li Hua: Nobody, but there were many people in the cinema.
Tom:     4      
Li Hua: Yes, I enjoyed the music and the songs very much.   
Tom:     5         
Li Hua: That's great. I think you'll like it if you go to see it.      
1.                2.                  3.                   4.                    5.              
A. What do you think of the movie? 
B. How did you go there?       
C. What did you do last night?    
D. Did you have a good time?
E. Who went with you?  

