The girls jog every morning. 查看更多



根据听到的录音判断, 正确的写T,错误的写F

The boys skate faster than the girls. ____


Look and read. Write T or F.


One of the boy who is sitting on the chair is listening to CD.  T

All of the boys in the picture are wearing scarfs.  F  

1.There are six children in the picture. ________

2.The girl who is hopping has short hair. ________

3.One of the boys falling down hurt his leg. ________

4.The girl roller skating now is wearing no glasses. ________

5.One of the girls is skipping behind the chair. ________

6.The boy reading a book is sitting on the left. ________


Look and read. Write T or F.


The panda is buying fruit now. T  

The panda came here by car.   F

1.One of the girls is crossing the road. ________

2.The man is selling only bananas, apples and pineapples. ________

3.The car has got only a bear in it. ________

4.The man selling fruit is in purple shirt. ________

5.There is someone waiting for a bus at the bus station. ________

6.The car and the bike which the boy is riding are going to opposite places. ________


Look at the pictures and read the questions.

Write one-word answers.


Where are the children?    at school

How many children are there?   5


1.What colour are the girls' dresses? a _______

2.Where are the girls playing with?  a _______

3.How many boys are sitting down?  _______

4.What are the children doing now?  _______

5.Who is with the children?   the _______ !



The girls ________(dance)at the party.

