The baby cry. 查看更多




-- Where is the baby?

-- She's _____ her bed.

A. with  B. in    C. behind



The baby is _____ the bed.

A. on   B. under   C. over



The baby elephant is ______.

  1. swimming B. running C. walking


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Mrs. Green asked her son to look after his baby sister for half am hour when she was doing housework.

  The boy took the baby out into the garden and they were playing happily Suddenly the baby began to cry. “Billy, what's the matter with Susan? Why is she crying?” Mrs. Green shouted to her son when she heard the baby crying.

  “She wants my coins.” answered Billy.

  “Well, let her play with a few of them if it stops her crying.” said Mrs. Green.

  “But she wants to keep them!” answered Billy.

  “No, she doesn't!” Mrs. Green said. “She is only a baby She is too young to understand anything.”

  “But I know that she wants to keep coins,” answered Billy, “She has already swallowed(吞下)two of them!”

(1)Billy was playing happily with his baby sister ________.

[  ] the house
B.outside the house the garden
D.behind the garden

(2)Mrs. Green ________.

[  ]

A.wanted Billy to stop Susan crying

B.let Billy stop crying

C.asked Billy to keep the coins

D.let Billy play with a few coins

(3)Billy ________.

[  ]

A.had no time to look after Susan

B.had no more coins for Susan

C.didn't want to keep the coins for himself

D.was not good at taking care of babies

(4)Mrs. Green ________.

[  ]

A.stopped to cry

B.was too buy to keep the coins

C.told Susan not to cry

D.didn't know why Susan was crying



  It is a fine day today. The sky is blue. Now it is nine o'clock in the morning. There is a sports meeting on the big hill. Look, a horse, a dog and a cat are running. Over there two tigers are jumping. Two monkeys are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying round and round and singing.

  There are some other animals, too. The elephants are standing. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag in his hand. Polly is sitting in a tree. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They are wathching.

1. It's _______ today.

A. Sunday B. fine C. blue

2. _______ animals are running.

A. Five B. eleven C. Three

3. There are ________ at the sports meeting.

A. many monkeys B. many people C. a lot of animals

4. What animals are climbing the tree?

A. The monkeys B. The pandas C. The foxes

