It has been raining for many weeks. 查看更多



Rewrite the following dialogue into a short paragraph

  Tim:Uncle Lee, may I ask you some questions, please?

  Lee:Of course.

  Tim:How long has this factory been open?

  Lee:It has been open for several years.

  Tim:How long have you worked in this factory?

  Lee:I have worked there since 1989.

  Tim:Do you live near the factory?

  Lee:Not far. My house is about fifteen minutes by bike.

  Tim:How long have you lived here?

  Lee:More than twenty years.

  Tim:Thank you very much.



      Do you know what the White House is? Perhaps some of you 1____________, while (而) some don't.
      The White House is the 2__________ where the President (总统) of the U. S. A. lives. It is 3__________
Washington D. C. It is really 4____________. But do you know 5____________ the White House is white?
      The story 6____________ back to 1812. That year Britain was at war with 7____________. The British
soldiers (士兵) captured (占领) Washington, 8____________ some buildings including the President's house
were set on 9____________. In 1814, 10____________ hide the marks (痕迹) of the fire, the brown stone
walls of the President's house were painted white and it has been called the " White House " since then
(     ) 1. A. do
(     ) 2. A. room
(     ) 3. A. at
(     ) 4. A. red
(     ) 5. A. what
(     ) 6. A. comes
(     ) 7. A. America
(     ) 8. A. but
(     ) 9. A. fire
(     ) 10. A. on a visit to
B. are
B. house
B. of
B. brown
B. how
B. goes
B. Russia
B. or
B. water
B. on their way to
C. is
C. family
C. in
C. green
C. why
C. runs
C. Canada
C. and
C. rain
C. in order to (为了)
D. does
D. city
D. from
D. white
D. where
D. takes
D. France
D. then
D. war
D. in order


     One winter Tony had very   1   money. His crops   2   very bad that year, and he   3   live very
 cheaply. He gave his donkey less food, and when after two days the donkey   4   just the same, he
   5   to himself, "The donkey was used to   6   a lot. Now he is quickly getting used to eating less, 
and soon he will get used to living   7   almost nothing." Each day Tony gave the donkey a little   8  
 food, until it was hardly eating anything.
     Then one day, when the donkey was going to the market with a load of wood on its back, it 
suddenly   9  . "How unlucky I am," said Tony. "Just when my donkey had got used to eating hardly 
anything, it came  10  the end of its days in this world. "
(     )1. A. few    
(     )2. A. had been
(     )3. A. has to  
(     )4. A. looks  
(     )5. A. says    
(     )6. A. eat    
(     )7. A. on      
(     )8. A. more    
(     )9. A. dead    
(     )10. A. on    
B. little  
B. has been  
B. have to  
B. is seen  
B. say      
B. eating  
B. by      
B. less    
B. dying    
B. up      
C. lot        
C. was being  
C. had to    
C. looked    
C. saying    
C. have eaten  
C. up        
C. few        
C. died      
C. in        
D. much        
D. is being    
D. must have to
D. was seen    
D. said        
D. being eaten                          
D. to          
D. small        
D. was dying    
D. to          


      Do you know what is the White House? Perhaps some of you do, while others don't.     
      The White House is a house in Washington D.C. The president of the USA works in it. It is really white.
But do you know why the White House is white?     
      The story happened in 1812. That year England was at war (与……交战) with America, the British army
(军队) got to Washington and set the president's house on fire.   
      1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the stone walls of the president's house were painted white and
it has been the "White House" ever since.
1. The White House is              .
[     ]
A. a house for the president of the USA                          
B. a house for American people                           
C. a house for American soldiers                        
D. one of the American museums
2. In              American people painted the president's house white.
[     ]
A. 1810        
B. 1812         
C. 1814        
D. 1816
3. The house is called "White House" because              .
[     ]
A. the house is very clean                
B. the stone walls of the house are white                  
C. the American people like white colour                   
D. it is covered with snow
4. In the passage "set... on fire" means               in Chinese.
[     ]
A. 放火烧    
B. 解雇    
C. 开火    
D. 把……放在火上
5. The Chinese for the White House is               .
[     ]
A. 白房    
B. 白殿    
C. 怀特·豪斯  
D. 白宫
There's a grey jacket
in our lost and found
case. Please call Jack   
at 837-4925.

I'm David from   
Class 4, Grade 6         
in Yangguang          
Primary School.    
I'm looking for the 
owner of a camera.   
I picked up a      
watch yesterday.  
If it is yours,     
please call me.   
Tel: 325-8064             
I have lost my      
library card.       
Please e-mail       
Jim if you get it.  
E-mail address:       
fluingjim@tom. com 
注: lost and found case (失物招领处) 
(     ) 1. 837-4925 is Jack's telephone number. 
(     ) 2. If you lose your jacket, you can call Mary at 325-8064. 
(     ) 3. Jack wants to know whose camera it is. 
(     ) 4. David is a primary school student. 
(     ) 5. If you pick up Jim's library card, you can tell him on the Internet.  


Listen and choose the best response to the sentence you hear


[  ]

A.I usually come to school with my bag.

B.I usually come to school on foot.

C.I usually come to school with my friends.


[  ]

A.I've only just received it.

B.I don't know what to do.

C.I don't know what's in it.


[  ]

A.He has been to Paris.

B.He went to Paris.

C.He has gone to Paris.

