He has been coughing for two days. 查看更多



Listen and choose the best response to the sentence you hear


[  ]

A.I usually come to school with my bag.

B.I usually come to school on foot.

C.I usually come to school with my friends.


[  ]

A.I've only just received it.

B.I don't know what to do.

C.I don't know what's in it.


[  ]

A.He has been to Paris.

B.He went to Paris.

C.He has gone to Paris.


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  One day, an old lady wanted to go to London to see her best friend. She got up early and  (1)  to the small station at nine o'clock in the morning. Because she hasn't been to London before and this was her  (2)  trip to London, she didn't know the train time. Just then she saw a little boy  (3)  towards(朝向……)her. She  (4)  him and asked him what time the train would arrive and when the train would  (5)  for London.

  The boy looked at her and said “tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu” just like firing a gun(就像打枪似的). Then he ran away. The old lady was surprised. She sat in a chair and  (6)  for a few minutes and then began to smile. She said to herself, “What a clever boy! He has told me the time in such a way.”


[  ]

A.arrived  B.go  C.got


[  ]

A.first  B.one  C.once


[  ]

A.ran  B.running  C.following


[  ]

A.asked  B.catched  C.stopped


[  ]

A.leave  B.go  C.come


[  ]

A.thought  B.thinked  C.think


     One winter Tony had very   1   money. His crops   2   very bad that year, and he   3   live very
 cheaply. He gave his donkey less food, and when after two days the donkey   4   just the same, he
   5   to himself, "The donkey was used to   6   a lot. Now he is quickly getting used to eating less, 
and soon he will get used to living   7   almost nothing." Each day Tony gave the donkey a little   8  
 food, until it was hardly eating anything.
     Then one day, when the donkey was going to the market with a load of wood on its back, it 
suddenly   9  . "How unlucky I am," said Tony. "Just when my donkey had got used to eating hardly 
anything, it came  10  the end of its days in this world. "
(     )1. A. few    
(     )2. A. had been
(     )3. A. has to  
(     )4. A. looks  
(     )5. A. says    
(     )6. A. eat    
(     )7. A. on      
(     )8. A. more    
(     )9. A. dead    
(     )10. A. on    
B. little  
B. has been  
B. have to  
B. is seen  
B. say      
B. eating  
B. by      
B. less    
B. dying    
B. up      
C. lot        
C. was being  
C. had to    
C. looked    
C. saying    
C. have eaten  
C. up        
C. few        
C. died      
C. in        
D. much        
D. is being    
D. must have to
D. was seen    
D. said        
D. being eaten                          
D. to          
D. small        
D. was dying    
D. to          


Tom has been at school for 7 years (上了7年学), but he is still (仍然) in Grade One. Why?


Think. 智慧金钥匙。
Gao Wei has been at school for 7 years (上了7年学), but he is still (仍然) in Grade One,  
Because (因为)                                                        

