Johnson went to the to cut his hair. 查看更多



Read and write “T” or “F”

  Mr. Johnson worked in an office, and he did a lot of important and difficult work. But he began to forget things and this made his work very difficult. One day he said to himself, “I'm going to see a doctor about this.”

  Mr. Johnson hurried into Dr. Green's office, and the doctor said, “What can I do for you, Mr. Johnson?”

  “Oh, doctor,” said Mr. Johnson, “It's terrible. I can't remember anything for long. It's about a minute. And this is making my work very difficult. What can I do? Can you help me?”

  The doctor said, “When did this start?”

  “When did what start?” Mr. Johnson said.

(1)Mr. Johnson began to forget things. ________

(2)Mr. Johnson could remember things for only a month. ________

(3)Because of the trouble, Mr. Johnson went to see a doctor. ________

(4)The doctor found a way to help Mr. Johnson. ________


1、Mike        (come) from America. 
2、Mr Smith        (live) in China now. 
3、The policeman                (not know ) the way to the history museum.              
4、How many students         (be) there in the school? 
5、There        (be) a desk and two tables in the room?
6、Would you like        (buy) a storybook? 
7、I don't like        (sing). 
8、           ( do ) Jim        (swim) faster than Ben? 
9、The child                  (not write ) as fast as the other students.   
10、Mike         ( run ) fast.  But they        (run) faster.   
11、Liu Tan       (fly) kites now.   
12、Ben and his father        (go) for a walk in the garden yesterday.   
13、Yang Lin        (get) up earlier than me.   
14、Ben       (do) wen in swimming.   
15、Look, some students        (have) a chat under the tree.      
16、I        (see) some boys playing basketball in the playground just now. 
17、There        (be) a running race tomorrow. 
18、Please       (show) us how       (make) a kite. 
19、What      you                     (do) next weekend? 
20、Ben        (want) to be a scientist. 
21、The telephone       (ring) now. 
22、Can I        (have) some soft drink, please? 
23、Mr Green       (like)       (draw) flowers on the cards. 
24、I       (do) my homework now. 
25、The twins        (have) a birthday party yesterday. 
26、How        you        ( spend ) your weekends? 
27、What       you        (do) last Spring Festival? 
28、Mum and I                                        (see) a Beijing Opera this afternoon. 
29、          (be) there any bread in the fridge? 
30、         he usually        (try) his best in English? No, he         . 
31、Where        (be) you last week? I       (be) ill. I       (be) at home. 
32、This is Meimei's telephone number.  You may           (call) her. 
33、Shall we         (get) some flowers for our teacher, Miss Liu? 
34、Today is your birthday. What       you        ( want ) ? 
35、They        (be) workers ten years ago. 
36、They                                (have) a meeting the day after tomorrow. 
37、There        (be) some old houses before. But now, there       (be) nothing. Perhaps there        (be) a new 
       hospital soon.       
38、Many of the students        ( like, watch) TV at the weekends, but Lucy        ( like, sit) quietly and        
      (listen) to the music. 
39、Tom and Mary        (visit) their grandfather yesterday. They        (plant) flowers in the garden now, they
                (go) to school again tomorrow. 
40、Tom        (do) it I think, because he           (do) it for me three weeks ago. If you ask him, he       (do) it 
       for you. 
41、A.: Mum, where       (be) my camera?   B: It        (be) there a moment ago. 
42、Can you        (sing) an English song?  
43、         you                        ( read ) a book about animals? 
44、Why        (be) Ben late for school today? 
45、I want         (know) something about your family.


      Mr. Johnson is an old man. He always gets up at six in the morning. He never gets up before or after six. He usually takes a walk in the park and he always goes with his dog, Bart. Mr. Johnson usually buys a morning
newspaper and reads it on the chair by the river. After the walk, he usually eats breakfast in the small restaurant at the gate of the park. He usually gives one egg to his dog. But sometimes he gives him two eggs because he
doesn't remember things now. And sometimes he doesn't pay the money for the breakfast.
(     ) 1. Mr. Johnson is a young man.
(     ) 2. He always gets up at six o'clock.
(     ) 3. He never buys newspaper in the morning.
(     ) 4. He sometimes eats breakfast at home.
(     ) 5. He always gives his dog two eggs.


     Mr. Johnson is an old man.  He always gets up at six in the morning.
He never gets up before or after six.  He usually takes a walk in the park and
he always goes with his dog, Bart. Mr. Johnson usually buys a morning
newspaper and reads it on the chair by the river. After the walk, he usually
eats breakfast in the small restaurant at the gate of the park. He usually
gives one egg to his dog. But sometimes he gives him two eggs because he
doesn't remember things now. And sometimes he doesn't pay the money for
the breakfast.
1. Mr. Johnson is a young man.                                   Yes □    No □
2. He always gets up at six o'clock.                             Yes □    No □
3. He never buys newspaper in the morning.                Yes □    No □
4. He sometimes eats breakfast at home.                     Yes □    No □
5. He always gives his dog two eggs.                           Yes □    No □


(     ) 1. t____ty 
(     ) 2. br___kf__st
(     ) 3. st____b____ry 
(     ) 4. p___d__n 
(     ) 5. b____tiful       
A. wen  
A. ae; a 
A. aw; er
A. ar; e 
A. eau     
B. uen
B. ea; o
B. awr; re
B. ra; o   
B. uae       
C. wem   
C. ea; a  
C. rwa; er
C. ar; o  
C. ean     
D. en 
D. ae; o 
D. raw; er
D. ra; a                 
D. nea   

