clean please classroom keep the 查看更多




My name is Matt.I am eleven years old.I am in Redrock Bay elementary school.My favorite subject is geography.I think it is very interesting to look at map of different places(不同的地点).I am a good boy.I do many chores at home.After I get up, I have to make my bed.And then I have to make my breakfast.I always take out the trash before I go to school.After school I do my homework first.After dinner I don’t clean the table but I wash the dishes.I usually go to bed before nine o’clock.


Matt doesn’t like geography.

(  )


Matt likes visiting different places.

(  )


Matt has to do many chores.

(  )


Matt has to clean the table after dinner.

(  )


Matt usually goes to bed very late.

(  )




A. carry    B. smoke     C. clean


Look, read and fill in the blanks

  My school is very big and beautiful. It has a big Playground. We can ________, ________ soccer and ________ rope on it. In front of the school building there is a nice ________. In it, there are many flowers and ________. Our classroom is on the third floor. Our classroom is big and clean. There is a ________ in my school. We can read books in it. I love my school!


听录音, 选择你未听到的单词

A. heavy  B. clean  C. dirty


Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).(听课本第38页的录音,判断句子正误.在正确的句子前面写“T”,错误的写“F”)

(  )1)Daming and Simon are in a beautiful park.

(  )2)Simon and his mum often come to the park.

(  )3)Daming is hungry and Simon is thirsty.

(  )4)Mum forgot to bring any drinks.

(  )5)They want to buy some drinks.

(  )6)The water in the park is very clean.

(  )

