Give one reason why some people do not want to skate? 查看更多



Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines.

an envelope o journalist an umbrella a diary a mechanic a present a holiday a pilot  a weekend a pilot a card a key a torch a tent a stamp a fireman


This person works at an airport and flies planes.

1.This person writes stories for newspapers a pilot

2.You can put this in a field and sleep in it. ________

3.You need one of these if you want to open the door of your house. ________

4.You can put a letter inside this. ________

5.This person can help it there is a problem with a car. ________

6.People use one of these when it rains. ________

7.People give one of these to their family and friends at Christmas. ________

8.You need to buy one of these if you want to send a postcard. ________

9.When it is dark outside you can see with this. ________

10.We work or study five days a week and on these two days we play. ________


1. I          (give) one apple to my dog yesterday.
2. My mum's  _      (China)  rice is very nice.
3. She          (not) like hamburgers.
4. Please go to school in two          (day) time.
5. My mother is a          (teach).


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners(礼貌). There're all (1) of manners. Sometimes good manners in one place are bad in (2) place.

If you (3) some friends in Mongolia and they ask you to eat with (4) , what kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “belch(打嗝)” after you finish (5) . Belch would show that you like their food. But in some other countries, if you (6) a loud belch, you are told to say “ (7) .” Manners are (8) all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way.


[  ]

A.kind  B.kindly  C.kinds


[  ]

A.the other  B.another  C.others


[  ]

A.visit  B.will visit  C.visiting


[  ]

A.they  B.their  C.them


[  ] eat  B.eating


[  ]

A.gave  B.give  C.are giving


[  ]

A.Excuse me  B.Sorry  C.Pardon


[  ]

A.the same  B.different  C.difficult


       Aunt Jane's birthday is coming. She will be 40 years old. Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house.
We are going there by train. We are leaving on Friday evening. And we're coming back on Sunday afternoon. 
The birthday party will be on Saturday. I'll give my dear Aunt Jane a card. I am making it now. I draw some 
nice flowers with my colored pencils on the card. I'm going to draw a cat on it, too, because she likes cats. I 
think Aunt Jane will be happy to see my card.
1. Aunt Jane is nearly _________ years old.
[     ]
A. forty      
B. fourty      
C. fifty
2. We're going there _________ on Friday evening. 
[     ]
A. by plane          
B. by train            
C. on foot
3. When will we arrive home?
[     ]
A. On Saturday.             
B. On Sunday afternoon.             
C. On Friday afternoon.
4. I'm going to give my aunt ___________.
[     ]
A. a card with flowers            
B. a card with a cat              
C. Both A and B
5. It will be a __________ trip.
[     ]
A. one-day  
B. two-day    
C. three-day


      A man has a parrot. It's blue and green. It can speak like a man. Every morning the man goes to talk with it.
But the parrot doesn't say anything to him. Then one morning the man is angry with it. He doesn't give it any
food or water. The next morning the man goes to see the parrot again. He says something to it. But the parrot
still doesn't speak. At last the man says " Fool! You're a fool." Soon he hears the same words from the parrot.
He laughs. He loves it very much. It's a clever parrot.
1. The parrot ____________ say anything to the man.
[     ]
A. don't want to
B. can't
C. doesn't want to
D. want
2. Parrots ______________ speak like a man.
[     ]
A. can't
B. must
C. can
D. don't
3. The man wants to have a ______________ with the parrot.
[     ]
A. talk
B. say
C. speak
D. tell
4. Which is right?  ______________
[     ]
A. The man doesn't want to see the parrot again.
B. The parrot doesn't say anything.
C. The man likes the parrot.
D. The parrot can't speak.
5. Why does the man laugh?  Because ______________.
[     ]
A. he likes the parrot very much
B. the parrot can speak to him
C. he thinks the parrot is very clever
D. he is very angry with it

