Jane was frightened when she saw an enormous elephant. 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday Jane's mum said, “I want to go to the supermarket. Can you help me Jane?” Jane carried one bag and her mother carried another They caught a bus and went to the town. The bus stopped opposite the supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn't very happy because she doesn't like shopping.


When did Jane and her mother go to town? yesterday .


1.What did Jane carry for her mum?  ________

2.Which shop did they go to?   ________

Inside the supermarket Jane's mum picked up fruit and bread but she couldn't find any rice. Jane looked carefully and found the rice below the pasta, tier mum was happy and said, “You are a good girl Jane.” Then Jane's mum wanted some lemonade. Jane could see the bottles but she isn't tall. She had to climb up to the bottles. Then she jumped down again but she hurt her leg. She started to cry loudly.

3.What did Jane's mum pick up?  ________

4.Where was the rice?  ________

5.Why did Jane have to climb up? because  ________

6.How did Jane come down?  ________

7.What did Jane hurt?  ________

Jane's mum gave her an ice cream and she stopped crying. But her leg hurt and she couldn't walk. Jane's mum telephoned her dad and he came in his car to take them home. Jane's mum said, “I can never take you shopping again Jane.”Jane was very happy!

8.What did Jane's mum give her?  ________

9.Who came to the shop?   ________

10.Mow did they go home?   ________


听录, 选择正确答案

_____ was first.

A. Mocky B. Jane C. Ken


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

Last weekend was my birthday. I wanted a party, so on Friday I phoned some of my friends. First, I phoned Jane. I said, “Hello, Jane. Would you like to come to my birthday party on Sunday evening?” She said, “I'm sorry Betty, I can't. I've got toothache.“ Then I phoned John. He said, ”Oh, I'm very sorry. I played football yesterday and I hurt my foot.“


Whose birthday was it last weekend?  Betty's  


1.On which day did she want her party? ________

2.What was the matter with Jane? ________

3.How did John hurt his foot? ________

On Saturday I tried again. I phoned Ben. He said, "I'm sorry. My dad has got to work on Sunday, so he can't take me to your house." Then I tried Kim. "I'm sorry," she said, “I'm going to the sea with my cousins.“ I started to cry. I wanted my friends with me on my birthday. My mum said, "Don't be sad… your grandparents can come to supper for your birthday."

4.Who had to work on Sunday? ________

5.Who was the last person Betty phoned? ________

6.How many people did Betty phone on Saturday? ________

On Sunday I was sad because my friends couldn't come In the evening I went to my bedroom and put on my dress. Then I went into the garden and do you know what I saw? All my friends!

They jumped up and shouted, “Happy birthday, Betty!“ Then they gave me a beautiful kite. We all laughed.

My grandparents were there. and Kim came with her cousins. We danced a lot and they all sang “Happy birthday”. We had a great party.

7.Where did Betty put on her dress? ________

8.Where were all Betty's friends? ________

9.What did her friends give her? ________

10.Who went to the party with Kim? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

  Last weekend Jane, Susan, Paul and Fred went to the countryside. They played in the woods and suddenly Susan shouted, “Look! There's an old house behind those trees.” Paul said. “Yes. No one lives in and we can go to play in it.”


Where did the children go to play? the countryside


(1)When did the children go to the countryside? ________

(2)What did Paul want to do in the house? ________

  The children quickly ran to the house. They went to the door and tried to open it but they couldn't. Fred said, “Look, that window is broken. We can climb into it through the window.” He helped Paul, Jane and Susan to climb in and then he went in. It was dark inside. Susan and Jane felt afraid. They said they wanted to go outside again. But Fred and Paul said, “Well, you two wait here. We are going upstairs!” they ran upstairs and went into the bedroom.

(3)What did the children try to open? ________

(4)How did they get in at last? ________

(5)Which child went in the house last? ________

  Paul said, “Look, Fred! There is a cupboard here. Let's open it.” Fred carefully opened the cupboard door. He saw two green eyes looking at him. “Help!” he shouted and the girls heard him shouting. They were all afraid and quickly ran out of the house. Fred climbed up a tree and the others stood behind it. Then they all looked at the open door. Just then a black cat walked out slowly.

(6)Where was Fred outside? ________

(7)What came outside after the children? ________


Read the story and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Example: My cousin Jane works in a shop with her husband. Her shop sells bread and cake and it opens from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. She likes her work very ________but she was too busy. So if there ________more time left after finish ing my homework, I'll go to the shop to help Jane and ________husband. They like me a lot too, and they often buy me CDs, books or any other presents to thank me for ________them. We always have ________nice time together.

