You very kind to us. 查看更多



Read and choose.(阅读短文,回答问题)  
     Mr Jones and Mr Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown,
"I am going to have a small party at my home next Wednesday evening. Would you and your
wife like to join us?"
     Mr Brown said, "Thank you very much. It is very kind of you. We will be free that evening,
I think. But I will t.elephone my wife and ask her. Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that
evening." So Mr Brown went to the other room and telephoned.
     When he came back, he looked very sorry.
     "What is the matter?" said Mr Jones. "Did you speak to your wife?"
     "No," answered Mr Brown, "She wasn't there. My small son answered the telephone. I said
to him, 'Is your mother there, David?' And he answered, 'No, she is not in the house,' 'Where
is she  then?' I asked. ' She is somewhere outside.' 'What is she doing?'  'She is looking for me.'"
1. A small party will be held _____.      
A. at David's house                      
B. at Mr Brown's house
C. in the office                          
D. at Mr Jones' house
2. The small party will be held _____.       
A. next Wednesday                
B. next Monday evening
C. next Friday evening                    
D. next Wednesday morning
3. Mr Jones asked _____ to the party.       
A. Mr Brown                            
B. Mrs Brown
C. Mr and Mrs Brown                    
D. all his friends
4. The telephone was _____.                
A. in the same office                      
B. in a room next to the office
C. in the post office                      
D. near Mr Jones' house
5. Mr Brown spoke to _____ on the phone.       
A. Mrs Brown                          
B. Mrs Jones
C. David                                
D. David's friend


Look at the picture, and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  My name is Lily. I've got only a sister-Mary. Last night, I played with my doll after supper. Mary watched TV in the sofa. My mum was tired so she was sitting in the armchair. My father was washing bowls and cleaning. the kitchen. Mum said to us, “Girls, it's time to go to bed. Let your father take you upstairs.” We weren't tired and didn't want to sleep so early. Mary and I went up the stairs to our bedroom very slowly.


(1)Where was Mary? ________

(2)Why was Lily's mother in the armchair? ________

(3)Which room was their father in? ________

(4)What did Mum want the girl to do? ________

  Upstairs in, our room, we asked Dad to tell us a story. Mary showed Dad a comic book about sea animals. But I didn't want that. I wanted a story about land animals. So Dad chose a story about a bird looking for its mum.

(5)Where were the children? ________

(6)Did Mary and Lily like the same or different story? ________

(7)What did Mary show to Dad? ________

(8)What kind of story did Dad choose at last? ________

  Dad started the story. The story was very interesting. We listened and laughed. We felt tired and our eyes closed slowly. Dad put a blanket on us and kissed us and then went quietly downstairs.

(9)How was the story? ________

(10)How did Dad go downstairs? ________


      Earth Day is on April 22nd. It was started by an American-Nelson. In 1970, about 20 million Americans
celebrated the first Earth Day. 
      Every day, we take important things from the earth, like trees, water, and oil. Our factories, cars, and
garbage (垃圾) make the air, water, and land dirty. If we are not careful, we will have no trees, no clean water
and air, and no food. 
      Earth Day tells us to be kind to the earth. Use less water, plant more trees…… 
      The earth is ours, so we should help the earth everyday, not just on Earth Day!
1. When is the Earth Day?

[     ]

A. On April 21st.
B. On April 22nd.
C. On April 2nd.
2. Who celebrate the first Earth Day?

[     ]

A. Americans.
B. Chinese.
C. All the people on the earth.
3. What is the article (短文) about?

[     ]

A. Nelson started the Earth Day.
B. We should help the earth on Earth Day.
C. Protecting the earth is very important.
例: Earth Day tells us to be kind to the earth. Use less water, plant more trees……
     What should you or shouldn't you do to the earth?
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________


(A) 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
      A lot of people went to a hill for their holidays. The hill was called West Hill. It was a famous place of a 
town. This time the town invited some good singers to sing in the park, so the people could have something to 
do in the evenings. They planned to sing every evening for a week.      
      But on the first evening it rained. The singers were under cover (在遮蔽处), but the people had to sit in the
open (露天). The singers sang very well, but there was only one person (人) listening. The man was sitting in
a chair, under an umbrella.      
      After some time, one of the singers came over to the man and said, "I'm sure you like music, don't you ? 
It's so kind of you to sit here and listen to us."       
      " No," said the man. "I don't like music at all. Please finish it quickly, and then I am going to close the gate. 
And you see, it's time to go home." 
1. A lot of people came to the town to                     .
[     ]
A. sing in the park                
B. listen to music 
C. have a holiday                
D. invite good singers
2. The singers came to sing in the evenings because                     .
[     ]
A. they must have something to do 
B. they were invited to do so 
C. it was raining                  
D. they were under cover
3. The singers had to                       while (当……的时候) it was raining.
[     ]
A. sit in the open                 
B. sing 
C. listen                        
D. be under an umbrella
4.                    liked to listen to the singers.
[     ]
A. No one                        
B. Everyone 
C. Only few people               
D. Only one man
5. The man wanted to close the gate, because                         .
[     ]
A. it was raining                  
B. he wanted to go home 
C. he didn't like the singers       
D. it was his work
(B) 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符用 T,不符用 F表示。
      Now the roads are crowded with cars, trucks and buses. They are not safe (安全的) for people.      
      Every day people are killed while they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and 
children. Old people are often killed because they usually cannot see or hear very well. Children are killed 
because they are not very careful. They don't look and listen before they cross the road.       
      A car, truck or bus cannot stop very quickly. If they are going very fast,they will travel many metres (光)
before they stop. People do not always understand this. They think a car can stop within (在……之内) a few 
metres. It is very hard for people to know how fast a car is travelling. He may think it is going slowly when it is
going very quickly.       
     The only safe way to cross the road is to look both ways, right and left. Then if the road is not busy at all, it 
is safe to cross. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. It is not safe to run. If people run across the
road, they may fall down (摔倒).
(     ) 1. The old people are not careful and they are often killed.
(     ) 2. Children are hurt and killed because they don't look at and listen to traffic.
(     ) 3. If a car runs faster, it needs more time to stop.
(     ) 4. There is really no safe way to cross the road.
(     ) 5. People should run across the road quickly when they see cars, buses or trucks coming.

