His book new. 查看更多



(     ) 1. What's your name?  
(     ) 2. His name is Li Ming.
(     ) 3. We are in Grade 3.
(     ) 4. I read a book.      
(     ) 5. Where is my pen?   
(     ) 6. She is in the gym. 
(     ) 7. They are new.      
(     ) 8. I like your new pants. 
(     ) 9. What can you see?  
(     ) 10. We are students.  
A. 你能看见什么?    
B. 她在体育馆里。    
C. 我喜欢你的新裤子。
D. 你的名字叫什么?  
E. 我们上三年级。    
F. 我们是学生。      
G. 他的名字叫李明。                                                               
H. 我读书。          
I. 我的钢笔在哪?    
J. 它们是新的。      


(     ) What's your name?
(     ) Where is my book?
(     ) Nice to meet you.
(     ) Where is Jenny? 
(     ) How are you? 
(     ) What's his name? 
(     ) Are they new?  
(     ) See you later! 
(     ) What's her name? 
(     ) Hello! 
1. Bye!
2. His name is Danny.
3. I don't know.
4. Hello! 
5. My name is Jenny. 
6. She is in the gym.
7. Nice to meet you. 
8. No, they are old.
9. Her name is Hu Yun.
10. Fine, thank you.


      Zhang Peng is going to visit his grandparents. He gets there by subway. Their home is next to the Science
Bookstore. He turns left at the subway station, then goes straight. Their home is on the left. Tom is going to the
Science Bookstore this afternoon. He wants to buy a new book. They are going after lunch.
1. _____________ is going to visit his grandparents.
[     ]
A. Zhang Peng
B. Tom
C. Mike
2. He goes there _____________.
[     ]
A. on foot
B. by bike
C. by subway
3. Their home is next to the _____________.
[     ]
A. cinema
B. Science Bookstore
C. zoo
4. Their home is on the _____________.
[     ]
A. left
B. right
C. east
5. They are going after _____________.
[     ]
A. breakfast
B. lunch
C. dinner


(     ) 1. How much are they?      
(     ) 2. Are they his pants?       
(     ) 3. Is it new?              
(     ) 4. Whose gloves are these?  
(     ) 5. May I have one book?   
A. Sure.             
B. They are mine.    
C. Yes.                                                                                 
D. Ten yuan.         
E. Yes, they are.  


(     ) 1. I'm your new teacher. 
(     ) 2. Is it Kim's pencil?  
(     ) 3. His name is Danny.  
(     ) 4. The book is on the desk.
(     ) 5. These are erasers.

