She feeds the rabbit with vegetables and carrots. 查看更多



(     ) 1. A. She washes the dishes every day. 
B. She feeds the fish every day.
(     ) 2. A. John can cook rice at home. 
B. John can make a sandwich.
(     ) 3. A. Did he make the bed yesterday?  No, he didn't.  
B. Did he make the bed yesterday?  Yes, he did.
(     ) 4. A. Sally often goes to school by bus. 
B. Sally often goes to school on foot.
(     ) 5. A. What will he do tomorrow?   
    He will go swimming. 
B. What will he do tomorrow? 
    He will visit a friend.


      My aunt works in a zoo. Her job is to look after the animals in the zoo. She feeds (喂) the animals, washes
them and cleans their rooms. She loves animals and she likes her job very much. She talks to the animals, and
the animals understand her. The animals are always happy when they see my aunt.
      Every day, many people come to see the animals in my aunt's zoo. But some people do not know the zoo
rules. They go too near dangerous animals like lions or tigers. Some people litter. When people do these, my
aunt will stop them.
1. What does my aunt do every day? 
A. She looks after the animals.
B. She loves animals.
2. Can the animals in the zoo talk?
A. Yes, they can.
B. No, they can't.
3. What is " dangerous " in Chinese? ("dangerous"的中文是什么?)
A. 可爱的
B. 危险的
4. What's the rule of the zoo?
A. Don't litter.
B. Don't talk to the animals.
5. My aunt is a _______________ worker in the zoo.
A. good
B. bad


Write the opposite word of the underlined one


The teacher asks Mary a question. But she can't answer it.

Mother gets up early but her son gets up ________.



--Can she jump?


A. No, she can jump.

B. Yes, she can.

C. No, she can't.


Read and choose the correct answer

She always goes to bed early, (A.and  C.but) she didn't last night.

