new about Mary excited school is her 查看更多



Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).(听课本第26页的录音,判断句子正误.在正确的句子前面写“T”,错误的写“F”)

(  )1)Daming is looking at his new CD-ROM.

(  )2)His new CD-ROM is about animals.

(  )3)His Grandma's favourite animal is dogs.

(  )4)It says that pandas love bamboo.

(  )5)Pandas eat eleven hours a day!

(  )6)Grandma loves bamboo too.

(  )7)Snakes love music.

(  )8)Snakes are deaf.

(  )9)Snakes can hear music.

(  )10)It's copying the flute.

(  )


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

A very famous man lives opposite me. His name is Mr Banks. His house is very big It has ten bedrooms and a beautiul garden. He has four new cars and he flies to work in a helicopter He has parties every Saturday ________ He plays the piano and ________ very well.

We are not famous and we don't have a big house, but Mr Banks always says “Hello”to us. His sister and my Mum are good friends. On Tuesday morning last week. I ________ out of my window. There was a lot of snow. The garden was white, the trees were white, the tops of the houses were white. It was beautiful.

Then I ________ about school. I went ________ to find my Mum. “Mum,” I said, “I can't go to school today because there's snow on the roads.”“Oh yes you can!”she said.

“Look, Mr Banks is here. He wants to help you.”I looked at Mr Banks. He said, “Jim, would you like to go to school in a helicopter this morning?”

I ________ and shouted, “Yes, please!”

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.A helicopter ride

B.Mr Banks' party

C.A holiday in the snow




How about to buy a new car?


Put in the simple past form of the verbs in brackets

  Last week my sister lend me her new cookery(烹饪)book. Yesterday I ________(sit) in my kitchen and read it. Then I went to the shops and ________(buy) some eggs, flour and other things. I came home again and ________(begin) to make a cake. I put it in the oven(烤箱).

  A few minutes later the telephone rang. It ________(be) my sister.

  We talked and talked. I ________(forget) about the cake. At last I said goodbye. “Something is burning!” I ________(think), and I ________(run) to the kitchen. My beautiful cake now became black and tasted terrible.

Answer the following questions according to the story above

(1)What book did I borrow from my sister?


(2)Where did I read the book?


(3)What happened to the cake?



Read, choose and complete the dialogue

A: (1) I'm new here. Can you tell me the way to the library?

B: (2) The library is about 1 kilometer away. (3) catch a bus.

A: (4) can I take, please?

B:I think you need to take the number 12. The bus stop is along the road on the right.

A:Thanks a lot.

B:It's my pleasure.


[  ]

A.How do you pleasure.


C.Excuse me.



[  ]

A.It's a good job.
B.I'd like to.
C.No problem.
D.I'm happy.


[  ]

B.You must
C.You will
D.You' d better


[  ]

A.What time
C.Which bus

