afraid of Othman is lightning thunder and (G) Comprehension Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Lisa has a dog. She calls it Sportie. Sportie only listens to Lisa. Sportie is very fierce to other people in the family and strangers. It barks at them and bites them. Sportie follows Lisa around the house. When Lisa has to go to school, Sportie will wait for her at the door. Sportie will wag its tail when Lisa comes home. It eats everything Lisa eats. It eats chicken but not chicken bone. It eats biscuits, fish and fish balls too. Sportie is not toilet-trained. Lisa's brother calls Sportie 'King' because Sportie does what it likes. Lisa protects Sportie from any punishment by the rest of the family. 查看更多




The boy is afraid of tigers. ______



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

Last week a man called David decided to go to the beach He was swimming under the water, when suddenly he saw a strange fish. It was very long and thin, and looked like a ________At first, David was afraid. He ________“Oh no, that looks dangerous!”But the fish didn't see him, and swam slowly away, so he ________it. David was carrying his underwater camera, so he decided to________some photos. Later, he told his friend, who was a journalist, about the fish. The next day, David's story was in the ________He is now famous because nobody else has ever seen that kind of fish.

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.The friendly fish

B.David breaks his camera

C.David's strange fish


Read the dialogue and answer the questions

  Girl:What can I do for you?

  Man:f m looking for a pair of black shoes.

  Girl:What size do you want?

  Man:Size nine.

  Girl:f m afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've only got brown ones. What about those shoes over there?

  Man:Well, that pair looks nice. How much do they cost?

  Girl:Eighty Yuan.

  Man:Hmm. That's a bit expensive. But I'm still going to buy them.

(1) Where did this dialogue happen?


(2) What did the man want to buy?


(3)What size did the man want?


(4)What colour shoes did the girl show to the man?



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers.

Tom's favourite hobby is working in his garden, and he's got a lot of fruit and vegetables there. Every year, there is a competition for the best watermelon in his town and Tom would like to win. This year he's very________because he thinks that he's got the biggest watermelon anyone has ever________It's green and________and it looks like a football. Tom can't pick it up because it is too heavy. Every night Tom goes outside and________next to his watermelon. He is afraid that someone might________over the wall and steal it. Tom's decided that this year he's not going to lose the competition!

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.An expensive hobby

B.Tom's big wish

C.A secret garden


Read the story. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.

  Yesterday I read a book about a monster. It's a purple monster (1)________ five eyes and three hands. But it is a kind one. It is very (2)________ to people because he wants to be a friend of people. It likes to (3)________ bananas like monkeys. It is very strong, too. It can move a tree (4)________ with only one of his hands. And sometimes it also likes finding (5)________ quiet place to think.


