She has not seen a pig before. 查看更多



Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Mrs. Green asked her son to look after his baby sister for half am hour when she was doing housework.

  The boy took the baby out into the garden and they were playing happily Suddenly the baby began to cry. “Billy, what's the matter with Susan? Why is she crying?” Mrs. Green shouted to her son when she heard the baby crying.

  “She wants my coins.” answered Billy.

  “Well, let her play with a few of them if it stops her crying.” said Mrs. Green.

  “But she wants to keep them!” answered Billy.

  “No, she doesn't!” Mrs. Green said. “She is only a baby She is too young to understand anything.”

  “But I know that she wants to keep coins,” answered Billy, “She has already swallowed(吞下)two of them!”

(1)Billy was playing happily with his baby sister ________.

[  ] the house
B.outside the house the garden
D.behind the garden

(2)Mrs. Green ________.

[  ]

A.wanted Billy to stop Susan crying

B.let Billy stop crying

C.asked Billy to keep the coins

D.let Billy play with a few coins

(3)Billy ________.

[  ]

A.had no time to look after Susan

B.had no more coins for Susan

C.didn't want to keep the coins for himself

D.was not good at taking care of babies

(4)Mrs. Green ________.

[  ]

A.stopped to cry

B.was too buy to keep the coins

C.told Susan not to cry

D.didn't know why Susan was crying


Read the story, and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.


Sarah's grandmother live on a farm in the country, a long way from the nearest town. She has cows, sheep and a horse, and a very big vegetable garden. Sarah loves visiting her, and she goes every Saturday. In the mornings she helps her grandmother to

1.________cheese from the sheep's milk, and in the afternoons

2.she rides the horse. Sarah ________goes home on Saturday evenings, but sometimes gtandmother's old car doesn't start. Then,

3.she waits ________Sunday morning, and she goes home

4.________bus. One Sunday, the bus did not come, and Sarah

5.had ________ride grandmother's horse all the way home!


Read and answer the questions

It's nine o'clock in the morning. There is a big fire in a flat. People are watching in the street. There are many firemen and policemen. Look! There is a woman in the window. She has a baby in her arms. She is jumping. The firemen are catching her with a net. Luckily the woman is not hurt at last.

(1)Where is the fire?


(2)Who comes to help?


(3)What is the woman holding in her arms?



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Sammi. I have a big and happy class. Last Sunday, our teacher took our class to the zoo. It was a sunny day and I wore a T-shirt and a skirt. We waited for the bus at the school gate.


Where did Sammi's class go last Sunday? to the zoo

1. What did Sammi wear to the zoo? ________

2.Where did they catch the bus? at the ________

At the zoo the teacher bought a map and looked at the things to watch. Susan likes bats but Simon doesn't. Jimmy wanted to see elephants but I wanted to see lions. At last we all went to the monkey house to see them first. There, we gave them some bananas to eat.

3.What doesn't Simon like? ________

4.Who wanted to see elephants? ________

5.Which fruit did we give to the monkeys? ________

I asked the teacher,“Where is the parrot house?”She looked at her map and then pointed to yellow house.“There it is. Let's go.”Said the teacher. The teacher told us parrots are her favourite birds and she has a parrot for a pet at home. Our teacher took a picture of the class when we were looking at the parrots. Susan stood between Jimmy and me. Suddenly one of the parrots flew to me and stood on my shoulder.

6.What pet has the teacher got? ________

7.What did the teacher do when the class looked at the parrots? ________

8.Who stood next to me? ________

Then it was lunch time. We sat down by the lake and had our lunch. We all brought burgers to eat, such as chicken burgers or fish burgers. We were very hungry and ate the burgers quickly. I had one, Susan had one but Jimmy had two and drank much mango juice because he felt thirsty. The teacher didn't eat much food. She just watched us. Suddenly Jimmy shouted, “Oh, I had a stomachache”. And Susan laughed a lot. But the teacher didn't. She looked at us and said,“We must go home now.”

9.What juice did Jimmy drink? ________

10.Who laughed a lot? ________


Read and choose.(读一读,选一选)

Today Xiaohua can't go to school.She is ill.She has got a cold.She is at home.She can watch TV and have some drink.Li Ming is at home too.He has got a headache.He is in bed.Lanlan is not going to school.She has got a cough.She can have a cake and some sweets.


Who has got a headache?

[  ]






Li Ming.


What can Xiaohua have?

[  ]


An ice cream.


Some sweets.


Some drink.


Who has got a cough?

[  ]




Li Ming.



