No, it does not eat chicken bones. 查看更多




--Does it rain in Ellia?


A. Yes, it doesn't

B. Yes, it does

C. No, it does



--Does it eat carrots?


A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it does.

C. Yes, it does.


Does a tiger have a trunk?                  .
[     ]
A. Yes, it does 
B. No, it doesn't 
C. No, it does


Does a giraffe have a pouch?
[     ]
A. Yes, it does.
B. No, it does.
C. Yes, it is.
D. No, it doesn't.


Listen and circle.(听课本第30页的录音,圈一圈)

1)What is Amy doing?

A.She's tidying her bookshelf.

B.She's tidying her room.

2)Does she often tidy her room?

A.Yes, she does.

B.No, she doesn't.

3)How often does she tidy her room?

A.Every week.

B.Every day.

4)Is Amy's room messy?

A.Yes, it is.

B.No, it isn't.

5)Does she often tidy her bookshelf?

A.Yes, she does.

B.No, she doesn't.

6)What will Lingling do for Amy?

A.She will help her tidy her bookshelf.

B.She will help her tidy her room.

7)Are the books tidy now?

A.Yes, they are.

B.No, they aren't.

8)What do they want to do?

A.They want to read books.

B.They want to play balls.

