to he bicycle wants a buy 查看更多



      Danny and Jenny are good friends. The weather is warm today. They are shopping in the city. Jenny wants
to go to the clothes shop, she needs a new dress. Danny wants to go to the bicycle shop, his bicycle is broken
(坏的), he needs a new one. Today Danny and Jenny are tired, but they are very happy.
(     ) 1. It's cool today.
(     ) 2. Danny wants to buy a new dress.
(     ) 3. Danny's bike is broken.
(     ) 4. Jenny wants to go to the clothes shop.
(     ) 5. Danny and Jenny are very tired.


      An English student goes to Australia to study. He walks around the city to look for a warm room.
      One evening he walks in the street with a map of the city. He sees a house. " What a nice room it is! "
he says, " The windows are in the south side (面). The sun will come into the room in the day. I like it." So
he wants to live in it. But he is wrong (错的). The sun is always in the north in the city. Do you know why?
1. What does the English student want to do in Australia?
A. He wants to go on a trip.
B. He wants to study.
C. He wants to buy a room.
2. The student comes from ____________.
A. the U. K.
B. the U. S.
C. Canada
3. The sun is always in the ____________ in that city.
A. south
B. north
C. east
4. What is the English student looking for?
A. A good school.
B. A beautiful room.
C. A warm room.
5. The English student looks for a room ____________.
A. by bus
B. by bicycle
C. on foot

