difficult are questions too the (F) Complete the sentences with the helping words. 查看更多




Can you make a yogurt fruit salad?It’s not difficult.First, wash some fruit.You need a banana, an apple and some strawberries.Then cut them with a knife.Put them into a bowl.Now pour some yogurt onto the fruit.Finally mix them together.Yummy!


Make a yogurt fruit salad is difficult.

(  )


First, we should cut the fruit.

(  )


You need a banana and two apples.

(  )


Finally, you mix them together.

(  )


There are three steps to make a yogurt fruit salad.

(  )


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners(礼貌). There're all (1) of manners. Sometimes good manners in one place are bad in (2) place.

If you (3) some friends in Mongolia and they ask you to eat with (4) , what kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “belch(打嗝)” after you finish (5) . Belch would show that you like their food. But in some other countries, if you (6) a loud belch, you are told to say “ (7) .” Manners are (8) all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way.


[  ]

A.kind  B.kindly  C.kinds


[  ]

A.the other  B.another  C.others


[  ]

A.visit  B.will visit  C.visiting


[  ]

A.they  B.their  C.them


[  ]

A.to eat  B.eating  C.eat


[  ]

A.gave  B.give  C.are giving


[  ]

A.Excuse me  B.Sorry  C.Pardon


[  ]

A.the same  B.different  C.difficult


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.

What am I?

Example: I'm a kind of place. Some people like walking or having a

1.________in me for their holidays because it is their hobby.

They can see so many beautiful animals and plants they can

2.never see in the________But it is difficult for them to cross

3.me by car because there aren't any________for cars. I'm

4.a________and wet place because it often rains. There is

5.never________ in me. but sometimes windy and rainy. Some animals live in me but only the kinds which love my weather,

6.like monkeys, lions, crocodiles and________ Now more and more people like to come to me for their holidays.

7.What am I? Tick the box.

[  ]

A.I'm a jungle.

B.A field.

C.An island.



Math is difficult, but I'm______at it.

A. bad   B. good   C. easy


Read and write“T”or“F”.(读一读,判断正误)

Amy and Lingling are having lunch.Lingling is eating rice.Amy is eating noodles.She likes noodles.But chopsticks are very difficult for Amy.She doesn't use chopsticks in England.She uses a knife and fork.


Lingling is eating rice.

(  )


Amy is eating hamburgers.

(  )


Amy doesn't like noodles.

(  )


In England, people use a knife and fork.

(  )

