1 red □□□□□□□□ 2. lion □□□□□□□□ 3. black □□□□□□□□ 4. tiger □□□□□□□□ 5. meat □□□□□□□□ 6. football □□□□□□□□ 7. meat □□□□□□□□ 8. basketball □□□□□□□□ 查看更多



Look and read. Choose the correct words write them on the lines. There is one example.


panda         whale


kangaroo         parrot


dolphin         rabbit


lion         shark


It is an animal, which is the king of the forest. lion

1.This animal looks like a bear but not a bear with a white and black coat ________

2.This animal is sometimes a pet, which has got long ears and red eyes. ________

3.You can teach this animal to talk like people. ________

4.It is bigger than the elephant and lives in the sea. ________

5.It also lives in the sea and people are always afraid of it. ________

6.This is an animal which stands on two legs and jumps. ________


Look and read. Write T or F.


It's a sunny day.      T  

A white cat is sitting on the wall.      F


1.The teacher is pointing at the dog. ________

2.A boy with red trousers is riding a bicycle. ________

3.One of the children has got a pet snake. ________

4.Three boys are playing with a ball. ________

5.The girl under the tree is eating. ________

6.The girl next to the wall is wearing trousers. ________



(1)car   train  taxi(  )

(2)pencil  eraser  ruler(  )

(3)orange  banana  pear(  )

(4)two   five  eight(  )

(5)face   arm  mouth(  )

(6)red   white green(  )



This is my    1 . She is a   2 . She wears a red 3 today. Her 4 is in   5 . Let's buy a present for her. She will be very happy.


Look and read. Write T or F.


One of the pirates is wearing trousers with stripes and a hat.  T  

There is a shark swimming between the boat and the island.  F  

1.One of the pirates has just fallen into the sea. ________

2.The tallest pirate is carrying a box of treasure. ________

3.There is a storm in the sky. ________

4.An octopus is climbing into the small boat. ________

5.The monkey is throwing coconuts at the pirates. ________

6.The pirate with red trousers is sleeping under the tree. ________

7.Two of the butterflies are flying above the bigger boat. ________

