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Read it(读一读)

  Bounce, bounce.

  Can you bounce a ball?

  Yes, I can. No, I can't.

  Jump, jump.

  Can you jump high?

  Yes, I can. No, I can't.

  Blow, blow.

  Can you blow the paper?

  Yes, I can. No, I can't.


Read the poem.(读一读)

         There was an old woman.

         She lived in a shoe.

         She had lots of children.

         In fact, twenty-two.

         She gave them soup

         and she gave them bread.

         She kissed them good night.

         and put them to bed.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Meg, Meg.

  What are you doing?

  I'm catching a butterfly.

  Ted, Ted.

  What are you doing?

  I'm catching a dragon-fly.


Read a1oud(大声读一读)

  Burger, burger.

  I like burgers.

  My favourite food is burgers.

  Cat, cat.

  I like cats.

  My favourite animal is cats.

  Purple, purple.

  I like purple.

  My favourite colour is purple.


Look at the questions, choose the correct answers(看问题,选择正确的回答)

(1)What colour is your bike?  □

(2)What's he doing?      □

(3)What do dogs like to eat?   □

(4)Are these cats dirty?     □

(5)What are these?       □

A.He is cooking in the kitchen.

B.Mine is blue.

C.They are ducks.

D.They like to eat meat.

E.No, they aren't.

