当你介绍你的妈妈给小伙伴认识时.你要说:( ) A.Hi, this is my sister. B.Hi, this is my mother. 查看更多



1. 当你询问对方的妈妈是干什么的时候,说:
[     ]
A. What is your mother do?
B. What is your mother's work?
C. What does your mother do?
2. 当你想告诉别人,你叔叔是一名画家时,说:
[     ]
A. My uncle is an artist.
B. My uncle is a artist.
C. My father is an artist.
3. 当你想告诉别人,你想成为一名作家时,说:
[     ]
A. I wants to be a writer.
B. I want to be a writer.
C. I want to write.
4. 当你想询问别人将来想成为怎样的人时,你问:
[     ]
A. What are you doing?
B. What do you do?
C. What are you going to be?




[  ]

A.Dad, this is Wang Bing.

B.Hello, I’m Wang Bing.

C.What’s your name?


1. 早上,你见到老师怎样打招呼:
[     ]
A. Good morning!    
B. Nice to meet you.
2. 老师夸奖你把教室打扫得很干净,他说:
[     ]
A. Thank you.
B. Good job!
3. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说:
[     ]
A. Look at the blackboard.
B. Are you OK?
4. 你介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说:
[     ]
A. This is Bob.    
B. He is Bob.
5. Wu Na向希望工程捐赠了一些文具,叔叔阿姨向她表示感谢,说:
[     ]
A. Thank you so much.    
B. You are great.
6. 当别人感谢你时,你会说:
[     ]
A. Bye-bye.    
B. You're welcome.


1. 当别人夸你的英语讲得好时,你该怎么说?
[     ]
A. No, it's not good.
B. Thank you.
C. Yes, I can.
2. 当你问对方的妈妈做什么工作时,你该怎样说?
[     ]
A. What does your mother do?
B. Your mother is a doctor?
C. How does your mother go to work?
3. 当你想问对方的老师长什么样时,你该怎样问?
[     ]
A. What does your teacher like?
B. What does your teacher look like?
C. What does your mother do?
4. 如果你赞同对方的观点时,你可以怎样说?
[     ]
A. You're right.
B. I don't think so.
C. That's easy.
5. 当你想知道你的朋友所在的国家讲什么语言时,你该怎样说?
[     ]
A. Where are you from?
B. Can you speak English?
C. What language do you speak in your country?


1. 向别人介绍自己的妈妈时,可以说:
[     ]
A. She's my mother.
B. This is my mother.
2. 你想说告诉小明该上语文课了,应说:
[     ]
A. Time for Chinese class.
B. Time to play.
3. 你想表达你喜欢英语,应说:
[     ]
A. I like English.
B. I like school.
4. 老师想让同学们指着这张教室的图片,她应说:
[     ]
A. Go to the classroom.
B. Point to the classroom.
5. 你想表达我有一个快乐的家,应说:
[     ]
A. I have a happy family.
B. I'm a happy girl.

