Follow . A. I B. me 查看更多



(     ) 1. A. To the office.
(     ) 2. A. Across from the office.
(     ) 3. A. You're welcome.
(     ) 4. A. Excuse me. 
(     ) 5. A. In a store.
(     ) 6. A. They are watching TV.
B. On the right. 
B. It's near.
B. Thank you. 
B. It's cool.
B. Follow me.
B. I'm flying kites.


A: Excuse me! Where's the library?
B: ___________ (Across, Cross) from the office.
A: Is that ___________ (far, near) from here?
B: No! It's just ___________ (across, up) the stairs! Let me ___________ (help, helping) you.
A: Thank you.
B: Follow ___________ (I, me), please! Here ___________ ___________ (is it, it is)!
A: Thanks!


(     ) 1. A. I'm from China.
    B. I'm from America.
    C. She's from America.
(     ) 2. A. Where is she from?
    B. Where are you from?
    C. Where is he from?
(     ) 3. A. Good morning, Mr Black.
    B. Good morning, Miss White.
    C. Good afternoon, Mr Black.
(     ) 4. A. Drink some tea.
    B. Touch your knee.
    C. Come and follow me.


(     ) 1. A. I'm from China.
    B. I'm from America.
    C. She's from America.
(     ) 2. A. Where is she from?
    B. Where are you from?
    C. Where is he from?
(     ) 3. A. Good morning, Mr Black.
    B. Good morning, Miss White.
    C. Good afternoon, Mr Black.
(     ) 4. A. Drink some tea.
    B. Touch your knee.
    C. Come and follow me.


1. Follow duck. Follow dog. Follow me.

[     ]

A. 跟着狗。跟着鸭子。跟着我。
B. 跟着我。跟着鸭子。跟着狗。
C. 跟着鸭子。跟着狗。跟着我。
2. Don't follow Zoom.

[     ]

A. 请跟着Zoom。
B. 别跟着Zoom。
C. 别跟着我。
3. I have a brown squirrel.

[     ]

A. 我有一只棕色的松鼠。
B. 我有一只棕色的老鼠。
C. 我有一只棕色的熊。

