a melon a peach a mooncake a bean a leaf an orange a pear 查看更多



Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines.

a suitcase a snowman fog a circus a rucksack a factory an ambulance a bridge a hotel a tent a sledge a storm a theatre a museum a snowball


You can cross a river or a road on one of these. a birdge

1.You can carry food and warm clothes in this when you go climbing. ________

2.You go to this place if you want to see tigers and clowns. ________

3.People can ride on this when there is a lot of snow________

4.You can have a room in this place when you are on holiday.________

5.If you are very ill you go to hospital in one of these. ________

6.You go to this place if you want to see a dinosaur ________

7.It is difficult to see when there is a lot of this. ________

8.When it snows children make one of these and throw it. ________

9.One of these brings a lot of wind and rain. ________

10.People make things like cars or televisions here. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a dinosaur a mechanic an octopus a farmer chopsticks a comb a knife a camel a snack a towel a swan soap a pilot insects butter


This person works in the countryside, and often sells food to markets. a farmer

1.You can use these to eat a bowl of rice. ________

2.If you have a problem with your car this person will help you. ________

3.You use this for washing when you are dirty. ________

4.These have six legs and some of them can fly. ________

5.This is often white with a long neck, and can swim and fly. ________

6.When you are hungry you can eat this between meals. ________

7.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep and goats. ________

8.This lived a long time ago and is now extinct. ________

9.You can use this when your hair is untidy. ________

10.This has eight legs and lives in the sea. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a toothbrush a university an apartment a playground a school a toilet soap postcards a chemist's books a towel newspapers a tent diaries comics

Example You use this to clean your teeth. a toothbrush

1.You use this when you want to get dry, after washing or swimming. ________

2.This is the place young children go to, to study and learn. ________

3.This is a kind of home, and is usually on one floor. ________

4.These usually have a picture on the front, and you write them to your friends and family when you go away from home. ________

5.You can buy these every day, and they tell you about things which are happening in the world. ________

6.You can use this for cleaning your body, when you are having a shower. ________

7.This place is outside, and it may have a lot of swings and other games for children. ________

8.You can buy medicines and other things at this place. ________

9.You write in these, to help you remember important dates and times. ________

10.These are usually for children, and pictures help you understand the stories in them. ________


Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines.

a dictionary a knife a fork a book a postcard scissors history geography an envelope maths a newspaper Art a spoon a card a university


You send this to a friend at Christmas.

a card

1.You use these to cut paper.


2.When you study this subject you learn about islands and jungles.



3.If you can't spell a word you can use this to help you.



4.If you like drawing and painting you should study this subject.



5.We need one of these to eat soup or fruit salad.



6.When you are on holiday you send this to your friends.



7.You use this to cut bread, cheese and meat.



8.You can study here after you leave school.



9.We put a letter or a card in this


before we post it.


10.You can buy this every day and read about things which have happened.




I'm _____ enough to drive a car.


A. too young     B. old      C. too old

