Look at your book. 查看更多



Look at the picture, and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  My name is Lily. I've got only a sister-Mary. Last night, I played with my doll after supper. Mary watched TV in the sofa. My mum was tired so she was sitting in the armchair. My father was washing bowls and cleaning. the kitchen. Mum said to us, “Girls, it's time to go to bed. Let your father take you upstairs.” We weren't tired and didn't want to sleep so early. Mary and I went up the stairs to our bedroom very slowly.


(1)Where was Mary? ________

(2)Why was Lily's mother in the armchair? ________

(3)Which room was their father in? ________

(4)What did Mum want the girl to do? ________

  Upstairs in, our room, we asked Dad to tell us a story. Mary showed Dad a comic book about sea animals. But I didn't want that. I wanted a story about land animals. So Dad chose a story about a bird looking for its mum.

(5)Where were the children? ________

(6)Did Mary and Lily like the same or different story? ________

(7)What did Mary show to Dad? ________

(8)What kind of story did Dad choose at last? ________

  Dad started the story. The story was very interesting. We listened and laughed. We felt tired and our eyes closed slowly. Dad put a blanket on us and kissed us and then went quietly downstairs.

(9)How was the story? ________

(10)How did Dad go downstairs? ________


Look and read. Find the correct words and write them on the lines.

a dictionary a knife a fork a book a postcard scissors history geography an envelope maths a newspaper Art a spoon a card a university


You send this to a friend at Christmas.

a card

1.You use these to cut paper.


2.When you study this subject you learn about islands and jungles.



3.If you can't spell a word you can use this to help you.



4.If you like drawing and painting you should study this subject.



5.We need one of these to eat soup or fruit salad.



6.When you are on holiday you send this to your friends.



7.You use this to cut bread, cheese and meat.



8.You can study here after you leave school.



9.We put a letter or a card in this


before we post it.


10.You can buy this every day and read about things which have happened.



Look ______ your book, please.
[     ]
A. in        
B. on      
C. at



——May I look at your story-book?


A. Sorry, I'm reading it now.

B. No, I don't have one.

C. Sure. I'm good at it.


1. Look at my               (卧室).
2. —Is it in your desk?   —No, it             .
3. I               (有) a new eraser.
4. —               is my book?    —It's here.
5. My               is clean (书房).

