window E. 鸟 查看更多




1.A.sir B.six C.sure

2.A.our B.ball C.door

3.A.bowl B.table C.noodle

4.A.grapes B.mangoes C.lemons

5.A.farmer B.worker C.driver

6.A.mother C.driver

7.A.station C.airport

8.A.sandwich B.hamburger C.write

9.A.bright B.light C.write

10.A.cupboard B.notice board C.playground


1.A.They go there by taxi.

B.I go there by taxi.

C.We go there by taxi.

2.A.I go to school by bus.

B.I go to school by bike.

C.I go home by bus.

3.A.I can’t see any trees.

B.I can see some green trees.

C.I can see some trees in the picture.

4.A.The English book is over there.

B.The glass is near the English book.

C.The glass is on my English book.

5.A.My grandmother is about seventy.

B.Your grandmother is about seventy.

C.Her grandmother is about seventy.


A:Look, Ann.________ a picture on the wall.

B:________ in the picture?

A:________ a fridge, a desk, a bed and a sofa.

B:________ the fridge?

A:It’s near the sofa.

B:________ ________ the desk?

A:It’s ________ the window.________ ________ some books on the desk, too.

B:________ they storybooks?

A:Yes, they are.


Clap hands and chant it(拍拍手,说说唱唱)

  Book, book.

  Open your book.

  Up, up.

  Stand up.

  Window, window.

  Come to the window.

  Door, door.

  Go to the door.

  Down, down.

  Sit down.


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Window, window.

  I can touch the window.

  Desk, desk.

  I can touch the desk.

  Clock, clock.

  I can touch the clock.

  TV, TV

  I can touch the TV

  Can you touch it?

  Can you touch it?

  Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

  OK. Let's touch it.


(     ) 1. Look for the window. Snow is falling.  __________________
       A   B     C
(     ) 2. Can you skating?         __________________
    A  B   C
(     ) 3. I want to learning.         __________________
    A B   C



This is      skirt. It isn't     .

A. your; my  B. yours; mine  C. your;mine

