( )A.boy B.dog C.girl 查看更多



(     ) 1. A. peach 
(     ) 2. A. apple 
(     ) 3. A. boy      
(     ) 4. A. father
(     ) 5. A. fish  
B. orange   
B. ruler    
B. girl             
B. mother   
B. hot dog
C. pen         
C. banana      
C. pear                                           
C. eleven      
C. hamburger 


Listen and choose. (听录音,选择所听到的句子)
(     )1. A. I'm from China.              
(     )2. A. Who's that girl?              
(     )3. A. How many rabbits
                can you see?
(     )4. A. Make myself short.            
(     )5. A. I don't like strawberries.    
(     )6. A. My dog is under the bed.      
(     )7. A. Here you are.                
B. You are from the UK.          
B. Who's this girl?              
B. How many toy cars
     do you have?
B. Make myself tall.              
B. Do you like strawberries?      
B. My dot; is on the bed.        
B. I'm sorry.                    
C. He is from Canada.      
C. Who's that boy?          
C. Can I use your
C. Make myself long.        
C. I like strawberries.    
C. My dog is behind the bed.    
C. It's OK.                


Read and cross. (读下列每组单词,划掉不同类的一个)
1. A. boy    
2. A. coffee  
3. A. elephant
4. A. Canada  
B. girl  
B. Coke    
B. ant    
B. China  
C. dog  
C. egg  
C. bag  
C. teach                                                     


Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你听到的单词。
(     ) 1. A. dog        
(     ) 2. A. egg        
(     ) 3. A. elephant     
(     ) 4. A. boy        
(     ) 5. A. my      
B. duck   
B. ant       
B. dog            
B. girl   
B. her 
C. bag      
C. coke     
C. boy            
C. teacher  
C. he    
D. apple    
D. coffee   
D. bag                                            
D. student  
D. she   


(     ) 1. This bird can    
(     ) 2. This duck can    
(     ) 3. This dog can     
(     ) 4. This boy can     
(     ) 5. This girl can  
A. swim.           
B. play football.                                                                    
C. dance.          
D. fly.           
E. run.          

