Pleased to meet you. A很高兴见到你.B再见. 查看更多



Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.


Most people live with their hands. But Jim (1)________ with his feet. How (2)________ Jim lives! Jim's story began in a very small city in England. His parents (3)________ very poor. Seven people lived in their small house. Jim had no place to (4)________ except in the street. Jim's father often played football. Little Jim wanted to play football, (5)________ . So his father made a football (6)________ him. It was not a real football. It was made (7)________ old cloth. The little boy played with it everyday. At last Jim learned to play with a real football and after a (8)________ years, he could play football very 9)Now Jim is one of the best football players (10)________ the world.

Example:them  their   they

   (1)live  lives   lived

   (2)happy happier  happily

   (3)was  are    were

   (4)play  playing  played

   (5)either also    too

   (6)of   for    to

   (7)in   of    for

   (8)few  little   some

   (9)good well    bad

   (10)on  in    at



go Shanghai by Let’s to bus()



Look and read. Write T or F.

Examples There is a chicken cooking on the fire.   T  

This house is under o tree.  F  

1.One of the monkeys is watching a programme about a city on television. ________

2.The blanket on the sofa has got stripes which look like a tiger's stripes. ________

3.The woman's phone is on the table next to her papers. ________

4.The man's hair is longer and darker than the woman's hair. ________

5.The monkey inside the house is holding a video in its hand. ________

6.The monkey outside the house is playing on a swing. ________

7.Someone has turned off the man's computer. ________


ABC 中选择合适的词填空

--Are these ____ my hair.

--No, they are not. They are firecrackets.

A. to   B. for  C. with


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.


eyes        ears


neck       moustache


beard        teeth


hands        shoulders


You can see with these eyes

1.This is the part between your head and body. ________

2.They are inside your mouth and you can eat with them. ________

3.You need these to carry bags or handbags. ________

4.This is hair above a man's mouth. ________

5.You can write things, catch things with them.________

6.You've got two and can listen with them. ________

