They are skipping. 查看更多



(     )1. My favourite colour are red. ______
            A        B                  C
(     )2. I don't like tigers but they don't like me. ______ 
               A                     B                         C
(     )3. Does you like skipping, Lingling? ______ 
              A           B       C 
(     )4. Pass me one rice, please. ______ 
              A    B   C
(     )5. Amy don't like oranges. What about you? ______ 
                      A               B                          C


(     ) 1. A. Yes, I am.    
            B. Yes, I do.     
            C. No, he  isn't.    
            D.Yes, they are.     
(     ) 2. A. He goes to a store.    
            B. He is going shopping.     
            C. He went to the park.    
            D. He will go on a trip.    
(     ) 3. A. The grass.    
            B. The hirds.    
            C. The leaves.    
            D. The wall.
(     ) 4. A. She does her homework.    
            B. He is running.    
            C. She is skipping.    
            D. He will have supper.    
(     ) 5. A. T-shirt.    
            B. A swimsuit.    
            C. A coat.    
            D. A soccer.


Read and judge. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。
       It's 2:30 in the aftemoon. Look! We're having our P.E.class on our play-ground. Peter, John, Sam, Mark 
and I are playing basketball. Mary and Judy are skipping with their skipping rope. Mr. Paul is playing games 
with some boys and girls. Sue and May like to read books. They are reading under a big green tree. We're all 
happy. Because we like our P. E. class. We like the school work.    
(     ) 1. It's 2:30 in the afternoon. We're at school.    
(     ) 2. We're having an English class.    
(     ) 3. Mr. Paul is our P. E. teacher.    
(     ) 4. Mary and Judy are playing with their skipping rope.    
(     ) 5. We don't like our school work.


(     ) 1. What are they?                
(     ) 2. Do you like basketball?      
(     ) 3. Does she like skipping?      
(     ) 4. What's the time, please?      
(     ) 5. What's your favourite colour?
A. It's seven o'clock.        
B. My favourite colour is red.
C. They are windows.          
D. No, she doesn't.            
E. Yes, I do.                  


(     )1. Here you are.                  
(     )2. I like skipping.                
(     )3. What's this?                    
(     )4. Pass me the rice, please.      
(     )5. What do you do at seven o'clock?
(     )6. What's your favourite song?    
(     )7. What are they?                  
(     )8. Do you like fish?              
(     )9. Does Tingting like rice?        
(     )10. What's the time?              
A. I watch TV          
B. OK.                  
C. Thank you.          
D. I like skipping, too.
E. It's a monkey.      
F. Yes, I do.          
G. It's half past five.
H. It's the ABC song.  
I. They are lions.      
J. No, she doesn't.                                                             

