He is on/in the train. 查看更多



1. Jenny is on the train. (对划线部分提问)     
2. Amy is singing a song. (变成一般疑问句)     
               Amy____a song?   
3. is     he     doing     experiment     an (连词成句)
4. in     woods     are     they     the (连词成句)


     Jim comes from the U. S. A.  He is now living in China. He gets up at about half past six and has 
breakfast at seven o'clock. After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half
 past seven. He usually walks to school. He gets there at five minutes to eight. He has his first class 
at eight. Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later, at about a 
quarter past twelve.        
     After lunch he plays with his friends. Afternoon classes begin at half past one. Usually there are 
two lessons in the afternoon. They finish at half past three. Usually he plays games or other things 
at school, and he gets home at about a quarter past five. He has supper at six and then does his 
homework and then watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten.
1. Where was Jim born (出生)?              
A. In America.            
B. In England.
C. In China.              
D. In Beijing.      
2. He has breakfast  ___.                      
A. at half past six            
B. at seven o'clock
C. at half past seven        
D. at five minutes to eight             
3. Jim is _      .                
A. an English teacher      
B. a doctor
C. a cleaner                
D. a student
4. How does he go to school?                  
A. By bus.  
B. By bike.  
C. On foot.  
D. By train.         
5. He goes to bed at  _      in the evening.            
A. 9:00  
B. 10:00    
C. 10:30  
D. 11:30


      Lei Feng is always ready 1__________. Once 2__________ the train station, a woman loses 3___________
ticket. She has 4___________ money for 5___________. She looks very 6___________. When Lei Feng learns
about it, he buys a ticket 7___________ her. The woman thanks 8___________ and asks his name and address.
Lei Feng smiles and 9___________, " My name is a PLA and I live 10___________ China"
(     ) 1. A. to help others
(     ) 2. A. at
(     ) 3. A. she
(     ) 4. A. no
(     ) 5. A. other
(     ) 6. A. happy
(     ) 7. A. to
(     ) 8. A. he
(     ) 9. A. speaks
(     ) 10. A. on          
B. to help the others
B. in
B. her
B. not
B. the other
B. worried
B. at
B. him
B. tells
B. near
C. help another
C. on
C. he
C. some
C. another
C. worry
C. for
C. his 
C. says
C. of
D. help other
D. to 
D. his
D. much
D. others
D. happily                                                      
D. give
D. he's
D. talks
D. in


at,     for,     with,     in,     on,    of
1. The train leaves             4:00. 
2. Li Ming goes to the park              Sundays.
3. I have supper             my friend.
4. Stand               the right answer.
5. I go to bed              the evening.
6. January is a month             the year.
7. He draws a picture              the paper.
8. Danny is              front of Steven.
9. He is writing             the chalk.
10. Are you ready               the class?


阅读短文,判断正( T)误 (F) 。
    Jack is a little boy.  He is eight years old.  He and his parents live in Washington,but his grandparents
live in New York,and it is very far(远的).  Today his paren ts are taking him to see them. So they are
going there by train. There are many people on the train. They are sitting on the seats(座位) , having a
chat or reading newspapers.  Jack is very happy, and he is running on the train.  His father says to him,
"Don't run. Sit down,please. ""I want to see my grandparents very much.  I want this train to go faster! "
Jack says.  All the people on the train laugh at him, but he doesn't know why.
1. Jack is _   _ years old.
A. six        
B. seven      
C. eight      
D. nine
2. Jack's grandparents live in           .
A. /          
B. NewYork    
C. Paris        
D. London
3. Jack is very _     .
A. sad        
B. happy      
C. tired        
D. hungry
4. Jack and his parents are going there by _    .
A. plane      
B. taxi        
C. bus        
D. train
5. Jack is            on the train.

A. running    
B. standing    
C. sitting      
D. jumping                   

