Mrs Tang cleaned the table. 查看更多




A: Simon, this is my mother.

Mum, _____ is Simon.

B: How _____ you _____ , Mrs Li?

C: How do you do, Simon.


Read the passage and choose the best answer

Mr. White has a nice and brown coat. He loves it very much, but his wife doesn't like it at all, because it is old. She often says, “Throw it away or give it to a poor man.” Mr. White always says, “No, I like this coat.” One day, a cigarette dropped on it and made a hole in it, so Mrs. White said, “Please don't wear it again.” Mr. White took it to a tailor's shop and said to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor made the coat very carefully and then he smoked a cigarette. Finally, he made a hole in it in the same place.

(1)Mr. White's coat is ________.

[  ]

(2)________ doesn't like this coat.

[  ]

A.Mr. White
B.Mrs. White
C.The tailor
D.A beggar

(3)When the cigarette made a hole in the coat,

Mr. White ________.

[  ]

A.decided to throw it away

B.gave it to a beggar

C.asked a tailor to make another one like it

D.didn't like it any more

(4)The tailor made a new coat with a hole because ________.

[  ]

A.Mr. White asked him to do so

B.he was not careful

C.he wanted to make the same coat as the first one

D.he thought it would be better



Who is your Chinese teacher? (   )

A. Mr Yao B. Mrs Ding C. Mr Chen


Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确答案)                                      
                                                      A Friendly American Family
     The Smiths are Americans. They are now in Beijing.  This is their first visit to China. They are going
to stay in China for two months. They want to visit some cities and villages(村庄). They hope to learn
some Chinese, too.
     Mr Smith is a doctor.  He will visit a hospital in Shanghai. Mrs Smith is a school teacher.  She is
going to some schools in cities and villages. Their daughter is a primary school student. She wants to
meet some Chinese students.
     They are going to take a lot of pictures in China.  When they are back in America, they will show
the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.
1. Where are the Smiths from?              
A. Canada.            
B. America.            
C.  China.
2. What do they want to do in China?               
A. Teach English.    
B. Play games.          
C. Visit some cities and villages.
3. Where does Mrs Smith work?                      
A. In a restaurant.    
B. In a hospital.          
C. In a school.
4. Who wants to meet the Chinese students?              
A. Mr Smith's daughter.
B. Mr and Mrs Smith.
C. Mr Smith and her daughter.
5. What do they want to do when they are back home?              
A. Show the pictures of China to their friends.
B. Have a good rest.
C. Clean their house.


      Last night Mr Smith and his wife went out to take a walk. They walked along the 
street and chatted happily. At about a quarter to nine, they came back. When they walked 
to the front door, Mr Smith said, " Listen, I can hear someone in our house."
      " Yes, you are right," said Mrs Smith. " And there are two men in it. They're 
saying something. Jack and Tom should be at school. Ah, they must be thieves(小偷)! "
      Then Mr Smith and his wife called the police and they stayed out of the house. 
After three minutes, four policemen came. Mr Smith opened the door quickly and turned on 
the lights. But there was no one! Then Mrs Smith laughed. The TV was still on. " Oh, I'm 
sorry. I forgot (忘记) to turn it off! "
1. Mr Smith and his wife took a walk ____________ last night.     
[     ]
A. in the park
B. in their garden
C. along the street
2. At about ____________, Mr Smith and his wife came back home.
[     ]
A. 8: 45
B. 9: 15 
C. 9: 45 
3. Mrs Smith thought (认为) _____________ were in her house.
[     ]
A. Jack and Tom
B. two thieves
C. four policemen
4. Who forgot to turn off the TV?
[     ]
A. Mr Smith.
B. Mrs Smith.
C. Jack and Tom.
5. Which one is right? 
[     ]
A. There was no one in their house.
B. There were two men in their house.
C. Their sons were at home.

