Where did the blind man want to go? 查看更多




-- Where did they have the picnic?

-- We had the picnic at a place called Stonehenge.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

My name's Katy, and this is my uncle Tom. He's an actor He's not famous, but last year he made a film in America with some very famous American actors. They made the film in a big city. It was the best job he has ever had. In the film he stole a lot of money from a bank.


What's Uncle Tom's job? he's an actor

1.Where in America was the film made? ________

2.In the film, where did Uncle Tom steal the money from? ________

One day, Uncle Tom was making the film in a park with all the other actors and camera men. Uncle Tom was running across the grass with a big bag of money, and the film cameras were behind him. But a policeman didn't see the cameras, so he stopped Uncle Tom and took him to the police station.

3.What were the actors doing in the park? ________

4.Where did the policeman take Uncle Tom? ________

The policeman asked Uncle Tom a lot of questions about the bag of money. But he didn't believe Uncle Tom's answers! Then, a famous actor from the film went to help Uncle Tom at the police station. The policeman believed Uncle Tom when he saw the famous actor, and he was very sorry. Uncle Tom went back to the park. Someone took a photo of him with the famous actor, and Uncle Tom sent the photo to me!

5.What didn't the policeman believe? ________

6.Who helped Uncle Tom? ________

7.Who did Uncle Tom send the photo to? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

I have o friend. His name is Rainy Day Monster, because he comes on rainy days. He waits for me in the cupboard. I open the cupboard and there he is. He's a big, happy monster, who is all the colours of the rainbow I laugh at him and jump on his back. He says, "Where do you want to go today, Tom?" and l always say, “You choose!”


Who is Tom's friend? Rainy Day Monster


1.Where does Tom find him? ________

2.How does the monster carry Tom? ________

Last week we flew to a beautiful island. The weather was hot. We played all day. We went swimming with pink dolphins, we ate moonfruit, we climbed pear trees, and in the evening we danced on the teach under the stars.

3.How did they get to the island? ________

4.What fruits were there on the island? ________

5.When did they dance? ________

The Rainy Day Monster took Tom home because he was tired. Tom was sad because he- didn't want the monster to say “goodbye”. Then the monster said, “Look! I found this box on the island. You can have it, but you must only open it tomorrow Now close your eyes.” Tom slept well all night.

6.Where did they go after the island? ________

7.Where did the monster find the box? ________

8.When can Tom open the box? ________

In the morning, Tom woke up. He thought about the day before the island, the pink dolphins, the fruits, his friend the Rainy Day Monster…and then, the box! The monster wasn't there, but the box was under his bed.

He picked up the box and opened it carefully. Inside there was a very small moonfruit tree. Tom took it outside and put it in his garden.

9.What did Tom find under his bed? ________

10.Where did he put the tree? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story- Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words.

David doesn't like school very much. tie loves Sports and Art but he doesn't like Maths and English. His father always tells him, “You must study English carefully because it is important.”But David doesn't believe him.


What does David like at school?    Sports and Art

1.What does he hate?       ________

2.Why should he study English?  ________

One day David was reading the newspaper He said to his Dad, “Look, Dad, some famous f English footballers are coming to our town. Please will you take me to watch the football game?”But it was too late. There were no more places. David was very sad.

3.Where were the footballers from?    ________

4.What did David want to see?      ________

The day before the game David went to school in the morning. The teacher told them, “A famous person is coming to visit you all this afternoon.”It was an English footballer! He played football with David and his friends in the playground and spoke to the children in English. David couldn't understand him. Now David studies English hard because he wants to play football in England one day.

5.Which famous person visited the school?  ________

6.Where did he play football with David?   ________

7.How does David study English now?   ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

My name is Sammi. I have a big and happy class. Last Sunday, our teacher took our class to the zoo. It was a sunny day and I wore a T-shirt and a skirt. We waited for the bus at the school gate.


Where did Sammi's class go last Sunday? to the zoo

1. What did Sammi wear to the zoo? ________

2.Where did they catch the bus? at the ________

At the zoo the teacher bought a map and looked at the things to watch. Susan likes bats but Simon doesn't. Jimmy wanted to see elephants but I wanted to see lions. At last we all went to the monkey house to see them first. There, we gave them some bananas to eat.

3.What doesn't Simon like? ________

4.Who wanted to see elephants? ________

5.Which fruit did we give to the monkeys? ________

I asked the teacher,“Where is the parrot house?”She looked at her map and then pointed to yellow house.“There it is. Let's go.”Said the teacher. The teacher told us parrots are her favourite birds and she has a parrot for a pet at home. Our teacher took a picture of the class when we were looking at the parrots. Susan stood between Jimmy and me. Suddenly one of the parrots flew to me and stood on my shoulder.

6.What pet has the teacher got? ________

7.What did the teacher do when the class looked at the parrots? ________

8.Who stood next to me? ________

Then it was lunch time. We sat down by the lake and had our lunch. We all brought burgers to eat, such as chicken burgers or fish burgers. We were very hungry and ate the burgers quickly. I had one, Susan had one but Jimmy had two and drank much mango juice because he felt thirsty. The teacher didn't eat much food. She just watched us. Suddenly Jimmy shouted, “Oh, I had a stomachache”. And Susan laughed a lot. But the teacher didn't. She looked at us and said,“We must go home now.”

9.What juice did Jimmy drink? ________

10.Who laughed a lot? ________

