Henry wants to be a teacher when he grows up. G. 查看更多



     It is Saturday today. Tom has no lesson. Tom and his father are on a bus now. They are going
to the supermarket. On the bus, Tom meets his uncle Henry, his aunt Ann and their son Tony. Tom
says hello to them. They are going to the zoo. Tony wants to see the animals in the zoo. He likes
animals. He says he can see many animals there. At the bus stop they say goodbye.
(     )1. It is Saturday tomorrow.
(     )2. Tony is Tom’s brother.
(     )3. Tom’s uncle is going to the supermarket.
(     )4. Ann is Tony’s mother.
(     )5. Henry is on the bus, too.
(     )6. There are no animals in the zoo today.


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

A very famous man lives opposite me. His name is Mr Banks. His house is very big It has ten bedrooms and a beautiul garden. He has four new cars and he flies to work in a helicopter He has parties every Saturday ________ He plays the piano and ________ very well.

We are not famous and we don't have a big house, but Mr Banks always says “Hello”to us. His sister and my Mum are good friends. On Tuesday morning last week. I ________ out of my window. There was a lot of snow. The garden was white, the trees were white, the tops of the houses were white. It was beautiful.

Then I ________ about school. I went ________ to find my Mum. “Mum,” I said, “I can't go to school today because there's snow on the roads.”“Oh yes you can!”she said.

“Look, Mr Banks is here. He wants to help you.”I looked at Mr Banks. He said, “Jim, would you like to go to school in a helicopter this morning?”

I ________ and shouted, “Yes, please!”

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.A helicopter ride

B.Mr Banks' party

C.A holiday in the snow


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

Mary s uncle and aunt came to her house last week. They gave her a beautiful parrot. It was blue and yellow Mary was very happy with her new pet. She gave him the name “Pasta” and put him in the kitchen. Mary's aunt said, “Parrots eat fruit.” Mary's uncle said, “Parrots can talk. You must teach Pasta some words.” frst the parrot learned his name, Pasta, and then he learned the words “Mary”, “yes”, “no” and “lunch”.


What did Mary's aunt and uncle give her?     a parrot


1.What colour was Mary's pet? ________

2.What was his name? ________

3.What must Mary teach her pet? ________

4.How many words did the pet learn? ________

Now Pasta knows a lot of words. On Saturday Mary's mother came into the living room and asked the children. “What do you want to eat for lunch?” Mary's brother, fred, shouted, “Pasta please!” The parrot was in the living room. tie listened carefully and thought, “Oh no. fred wants to eat me!”Then he quickly flew outside.

5.Where were the children? ________

6.Who wanted to eat pasta? ________

7.Where did the parrot go? ________

Mary and fred ran outside but Pasta wasn't there. They were very sad. Then their mother shouted, “Come quickly!” They ran into the kitchen and there was Pasta. He had some fruit in his mouth. Me gave the fruit to Mary's mother She laughed and said to the parrot, “I know you want to tell us something-eat fruit but don't eat Pasta!”The parrot looked at her carefully and said, “Yes please.”

8.Who ran outside? ________

9.Where was Pasta? ________

10.What did Pasta give to Mary's mother? ________



Tom wants to send an E-mail to his Dad.

_____ wants to send an E-mail to his Dad?


Read and circle.

Brian comes from London.He can't speak Chinese.But he loves China.He is going to visit China with his parents next year.He wants to go to the Great Wall.So he is learning Chinese now.He's also learning to use chopsticks.It's difficult for him.He wants a Chinese pen pal.

1)Where does Brian come from?

A.From New York.

B.From Hong Kong

C.From London.

2)Where is he going to visit?




3)Where does he want to go?

A.The Great Wall.

B.The Ming Tombs

C.The Summer Palace.

4)What is he learning now?




5)Is he learning to use chopsticks?

A.Yes, he does.

B.No, he doesn't.

6)What does he want?

A.A Chinese pen.

B.A Chinese pen pal


