He was waiting to cross the road. 查看更多



Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Every morning John goes to work by train. Because he has a long way, he always buys a newspaper. It helps to make the time pass quickly.

  One Tuesday morning, he turned to the sports page. He wanted to read the report about an important football game the night before. The team of his town won the game. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off at his station. He didn't know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the next station and had to wait a long time for a train to go back. Of course, he arrived very late at the office. His boss(老板)was very angry with him when John told him why he was late for work. “Work is more important than football!” the boss shouted.

(1)The story happened ________.

[  ]

A.every morning

B.one Tuesday morning

C.at a station

D.at the office

(2)Why does John always buy a newspaper on his way to work? Because ________.

[  ]

A.he enjoys reading newspapers

B.he wants to write something for a newspaper

C.he wants to make time pass quickly

D.he wants to read the report about football games

(3)According to(根据)the story, we know ________.

[  ]

A.it's far from John's home to the office

B.it's not far from John's home to the office

C.John's house is near the office

D.John's house is near to the office

(4)Why was the boss angry with John? Because ________________.

[  ]

A.the team of his town won the game

B.he had a long way

C.he was late for work

D.he went to work by train

(5)The boss didn't think ________.

[  ]

A.work was more important than football

B.football was more important than work

C.the report was interesting

D.John arrived very late


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples.

Write one-word answers.

Last week a man called David decided to go to the beach He was swimming under the water, when suddenly he saw a strange fish. It was very long and thin, and looked like a ________At first, David was afraid. He ________“Oh no, that looks dangerous!”But the fish didn't see him, and swam slowly away, so he ________it. David was carrying his underwater camera, so he decided to________some photos. Later, he told his friend, who was a journalist, about the fish. The next day, David's story was in the ________He is now famous because nobody else has ever seen that kind of fish.

What's the best name for this story?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.The friendly fish

B.David breaks his camera

C.David's strange fish



He was late for school, so the teacher was very a______.



The giant was very tall and strong. He was very ugly, too. Jack remembered the giant because many years ago this giant killed his father. Jack was very angry. He watched the giant. The giant played the harp. The chicken listened to the music. It laid three eggs. They were gold eggs! Jack waited and waited behind the door. The giant went to sleep. Jack went to the table and took the chicken and the harp. He ran to the beanstalk quickly.

1. The giant was very short and strong. _____

2. Jack remembered this giant because many years ago this giant killed his mother. _____

3. The giant was very ugly. _____


Look at the picture and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Kitty and Jack Walt were playing in the street when they saw a man. He was carrying a big envelope in his hand and he walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The man gave it to their father.


(1)Where were Kitty and Jack playing? ________

(2)Whom was the letter to? ________

(3)Who walked into their house? ________

  Their father opened the letter and looked very happy.

  “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!”

  “What's this?” Kitty and Jack asked.

  “We've won a prize.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!”

  “We are going to stay in a hotel in Paris and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only 4 tickets to get there!”

(4)How did the father look when he read the letter? ________

(5)What have they won for the prize? ________

(6)Where are they going to live in Paris? ________

(7)What else do they need for the holiday? ________

