Pete (go) to Taiwan every month. 查看更多




Linda wrote the letter _____ (from/ to) Pete.


      Lily's uncle lives in Beijing. Lily went there with her parents last week. She went there by plane. It wasn't
a long trip. She was very excited. The sky was beautiful. The clouds were white. When she arrived at Beijing,
her uncle went to the airport to meet them. Lily played with her cousin. She ate good food. The next day, she
visited the Great Wall. It was cool. She took many pictures. She climbed the Fragrant Hill, too. She stayed in
Beijing for 6 days. She came back to Guangzhou yesterday.
(     ) 1. Lily went to Guangzhou with her parents last week.
(     ) 2. She went there by train.
(     ) 3. Lily played with her cousin.
(     ) 4. She ate good food in Beijing.
(     ) 5. She came back to Guangzhou yesterday.


(     )1. pota         (土豆)                           
(     )2. f           m(农场) 
(     )3. fr          t(水果)              
(     )4. w          m(暖和的)                           
(     )5. ja          et(夹克衫)
A. to        
A. ra 
A. ui          
A. or         
A. ck
B. ta        
B. or 
B. ua           
B. ar        
B. ce 
C. te           
C. ar   
C. iu                                           
C. ra        
C. ek  


Read and answer the questions

It's nine o'clock in the morning. There is a big fire in a flat. People are watching in the street. There are many firemen and policemen. Look! There is a woman in the window. She has a baby in her arms. She is jumping. The firemen are catching her with a net. Luckily the woman is not hurt at last.

(1)Where is the fire?


(2)Who comes to help?


(3)What is the woman holding in her arms?



Rewrite the sentence with “He” or “She”

They like to play soccer after class.

(He) ________________________________

