He at his sister all the time. 查看更多



Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers.


Tony didn't come to school today. The teacher asked me to go to his house to see him. I arrived at his home and saw Tony ________ in bed. I asked him what was wrong with him He told me what happened this morning when he was going to school. “When I was ________ off the school bus, someone behind me pushed me. And I ________ down the bus. And my leg was broken now.” he said. “How long will you be like this?” I asked. He said, “I'm not sure.” I said to him, Don't “________! I can help you. I can take you to school by bike every day.” Tony was very happy after he ________ that.

What's the best name for this story? Tick one box.

My Friend Tony  

Tony's Worst Day.  

Making Friends  


Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with proper words

  One day a little boy was playing football near a tree. Suddenly he kicked the ________ so high that it went into the branches of the tree.

  Just then an old man came with an umbrella in his hand. The boy told him what happened, and ________ him for help. Seeing that, the old man decided to help the boy.

  He ________ his umbrella at the ball. The ball ________ down, but his umbrella was hung in the ________ instead.

  The boy picked up his ball and ran ________. But the tree was so tall that the old man could not ________ the umbrella back. He stood there and looked up at his ________ and didn't know what to do.


Read the text and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.


Harry is   a  pilot. He works at the airport, which

1.________near the city. Every day he gets up at six o'clock

2.and ________on his uniform. He wears a white hat, a blue

3.jacket ________trousers. When he arrives at work he tests

4.everything on the plane and then says “Hello”________ everyone. He loves his job because he meets a lot of people. He aslo

5.likes visiting different countries. This year he ________flown

all over the world!


Rewrite the sentence with the words given in correct tense

He spends his summer vacation at the beach. (next year)



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

It was a beautiful morning on Friday. Fred read a comic. and then had breakfast with his big brother He said “goodbye” to his family and rode his bike to school. He put his bike next to the wall. He always put his bike there-with all his friends' bikes.


What day was it? Friday


1.What did Fred do before breakfast? ________

2.Who did Fred have breakfast with? ________

3.How did he go to school? ________

Fred went into the classroom and put his books on his desk. The room was very quiet because no children were there. The teacher was not there. Fred took off his jacket. He sat down at his desk and took his pen from his bag, and then he saw some people outside the window.

4.How many people were in the classroom? ________

5.What did Fred take off? ________

6.What did Fred see outside the window? ________

Fred saw his teacher with a guitar, and all his friends. In front of them there were two clowns. The first clown threw a tomato at the second clown. It went in his mouth. All the children laughed. Fred stood up quickly. “Oh yes!” he said, “It's our last school day today. It's the school party!” He ran outside and sat with his friends.

7.Who had the guitar? ________

8.What went in the clown's mouth? ________

9.Who laughed? ________

10.Where did Fred run? ________

